Chapter 16 - Jonathan and Will

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3rd Person

"So." Jonathan spoke as he glared down at the two teenagers who were sat down next to each other, looking extremely bored.

"It has come to my attention that you two were biting each other's faces off." Jonathan grumbled, Mike's eyes widening as he heard Jonathan's words.

"Okay, what!? We were not biting each other's faces off, we were kissing. And don't act like me and Will haven't seen you biting Nancy's face off." Mike scoffed as he rolled his eyes, Johnathan's jaw dropping as he heard Mike.

"Okay, hold on, ignore Mike-" Will tried to intervene, but Jonathan was already going on a huge rant.

"Okay, you can watch your mouth. I don't know who you think your speaking to but you better watch how your speaking to me. You're some measly little sixteen year old boy, Mike. You cheek me again and my fist will be going where the sun don't shi-" Jonathan snapped, before Nancy cut him off.

"Okay, both of you, calm down! You're being ridiculous, have you even heard yourself?" Nancy scolded them both, glaring between the two of them.

"We are here to talk. Not argue, not yell, and most definitely not threaten." She glared at them both, trying to let them both calm down.

"Right, Jonathan, speak." She sighed, turning to Mike and Will to make sure he wouldn't upset either of them.

"Right. Listen, I don't care if your gay Will, but him? Really?" Jonathan scowled, Will's cheeks burning as he heard what Jonathan was saying.

"Okay, don't be rude, he's literally my boyfriend-" Will scoffed, Jonathan's jaw dropping.

"BOYFRIEND?" He shrieked, absolutely horrified.

"Keep your voice down!" Nancy scowled, giving his arm a small smack.

"Michael Wheeler, I am warning you right now, if you dare hurt him ever again I will not hesitate to carry out my threat-" Jonathan threatened.

"Right. That's enough." Nancy snapped, turning to Jonathan and giving him a warning glare.

"Listen, we support you both, okay? I know it seems like he doesn't but he does, I promise. Have you told anybody else? Like, about you two being together?" Nancy asked them both.

"No, we weren't gonna tell anyone. But now you both know so. . ." Mike shrugged, not seeming too bothered.

"Okay. Well, if anybody finds out and they're rude to you, tell us both. We will sort them out, okay?" Nancy warned, both of them nodding and smiling.

"Oh, the phone seems to be working and Lucas thought you might want to call mum before it cuts out again, you bothered?" Nancy asked Mike, who nodded hurriedly, the two of them soon exiting the room.

Jonathan looked down at Will, noticing the boy's sad expression. He watched as Will looked down at his hands, seemingly in a world of his own. He sighed softly and sat down next to Will, wanting to talk to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked him, his voice now gentle.

"Yeah. . ." Will nodded, though Jonathan could tell he wasn't.

"What's up? You know you can talk to me, right?" Jonathan spoke softly, not wanting Will to feel like he had to hide anything from him.

"Should I break up with Mike. . ?" Will asked him, his eyes be coming slightly glassy.

"Wh-. . . Why are you asking that?" Jonathan frowned, knowing that Will was probably happy with Mike.

"Well, you don't like him." Will spoke quietly.

"Why does that matter?" Jonathan frowned.

"Because I want you to like my boyfriend. . . I do care what you think, I want you to approve of who I date." Will mumbled, Jonathan sighing softly.

"Will, I know I don't like Mike and I know sometimes I can get a bit carried away and threaten him, but if you like him then I don't mind. As long as he treats you well then I'm happy." Jonathan told him, making Will look up.

"Really?" He asked, a small smile forming on his face.

"Of course." Jonathan smiled softly, looking down at Will as he spoke.

"And- And you won't get mad if we kiss?" Will asked him, making Jonathan's smile drop.

"Okay, now that's a different situation." He scowled, making Will giggle.

"Seriously though, if you and Mike are happy then I don't mind. I'll always support you, Will." Jonathan spoke softly, making Will smile.

"Thank you. . ." Will spoke, obviously trying not to cry.

"Come here." Jonathan sighed, opening his arms out for a hug.

Will instantly clung to Jonathan, really missing his big brother, incredibly relieved that Jonathan didn't mind the fact that him and Mike were dating.

"I've really missed you, y'know." Jonathan chuckled softly.

"I've missed you too. . . Everything has been so weird lately." Will sniffled.

"I know, I wish everything could go back to normal." Jonathan agreed, a slight hint of sadness lingering in his voice.

"I know, same. . ." Will nodded, frowning as he thought back to before everything started, remembering how happy everyone had been.

"Jonathan, Will, lunch!" A voice made them both jump, Jonathan groaning as he detached from the hug.

"God, how is it lunchtime already." Jonathan chuckled, getting up.

"I know." Will let out a small laugh, getting up aswell.

"You wanna go down and eat?" Jonathan asked him, knowing he must be hungry.

"Yeah, let's go."

omg i posted again!! didnt i eat

{Word Count: 888}

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