Chapter 10 - New Employees

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"Well, that's worrying, but expected." I said to myself, holding a giggling Laenae in one arm and dangling a Stikkbomb rattle in front of her.

"Hahaha!" Laenae giggled opening and closing her little hands as she tried to hold the toy.

"This is no laughing matter, Laenae, the situation worsened." I murmured to the baby, still focusing on the problem in front of me.

What do I mean by this? Well, imagine my surprise when I woke up to my Grots screaming and preparing to fight the next day after we eliminated the city's gangs.

Firstly, I imagined that some survivors of the massacre wanted revenge, after all, I was not subtle in the unspoken message I sent to the entire city.

But to my relief, the orks banging and screaming at my gate, which was miraculously still standing, were not wearing any warpaint or icons identifying them as gang members, but rather as normal Death Skulls, painted blue and everything else.

Interestingly, there were no Nobz in the group, just Boyz, Grots, Snots, and a type of ork larger than a Grot but smaller than a Boy. I believe they are classified as Yoof, young and inexperienced orks who have just emerged from their fungal cocoons.

They are not much different from the Boyz in terms of appearance or skill, but they are cheaper to recruit and have more will to fight than a normal ork, although they die easily due to inexperience

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They are not much different from the Boyz in terms of appearance or skill, but they are cheaper to recruit and have more will to fight than a normal ork, although they die easily due to inexperience.

"Now, what am I going to do with the crowd knocking on my door?"

"Gagag." Laenae replied.

"Recruit them into our warband? I do not know if it is a good idea, I have no problems with Grots or Snots, but Orks are difficult to control. They are violent, greedy, mistreat Grots and Snots, get angry easily, and have no problem killing to get what they want. Not to mention, of course, that I would have to worry about finding a good fight for them and be careful with the Orks who have the bright idea of becoming the new boss."


"Hm... It could work, but I worry about our workers, I do not want orks killing them after all the trust we built together. Orks love to abuse Grots and Snots for being smaller, weak, and cowardly, even more so ours, which are treated with respect, paid, and well equipped."


"I could keep the two groups separate; after all, our companions live in the dormitories within our walls. But where would I put all these orks?"

I was silent for a few minutes, hundreds of thoughts racing through my head. I cannot send these orks away, they chose me as their boss, and discarding them will breed resentment and a desire for revenge because I am not a suitable boss.

There is also the logistical side, weapons, armor, food, medicine, accommodation, payments, and fights.

Hm... Unless... I felt the corners of my lips rising; technically, I already had everything necessary to accept these orks.

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