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2:56───────❍─── -6:18
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅ 78%

She shortly turned her phone off after giggling with Kenma about the group chat, their pace changing speed from faster-normal-slower-normal-slower-faster, it was quite intricate with no real pattern, but all that mattered to them was that they were enjoying it.

The pair had arrived at the amusement park, a smile on each of their faces as they submerged into the summer fun vibe within the area. An amusement park was new to f/n, so it was her job to make the most of her first ever chance there. Giggles, smiles and hope filled the air as carnival games and rides were being used every second that passed did aswell.

Though it was a massive - or a 'ginormous like the size of the ocean', what really caught F/n's eye was a big toy at a carnival game of a f/a that she stared at in awe, Kenma did infact notice this and take her hand in his, gesturing to the game. He was going to try win it and even if he didn't, it was all for the sake of having fun.

F/n realised what he was gesturing at and nodded her ear excitedly, they made their way to the carnival game, still looking at the plushie and back at Kenma.

F/n, though considered an all rounder , was not very good at carnival games. she just never got the hang of it.

Kenma on the other hand , was great at all games. Which is why, he ended up winning the plushie for her instead of the F/n winning it for herself.

Though, it was slightly embarrassing for F/n, considering how highly people thought of her but she couldn't win a plushie. She didn't pay too much mind to the topic, keeping her ego pretty high.

I mean, she was an ethereal beauty and  a famous volleyball player.

"Thank you." F/n smiled, her teeth showing as she firmly held the plushie with both arms against her chest. She soon held it in one hand, going up to hug Kenma.

On the other hand, Kenma didn't return the gesture, nor smile, not even a pat on the back, but F/n didn't think about this, why?

Because Kenma was never taught affection.

From when you were born as a baby, the small infant crying, as you finally arose from your mother's stomach, you were mad, mad that you had taken your first breath.

A mother's love is all a baby needs, is such a common saying that, what if a child doesn't get mother's love?

It results in a careless unknowingly distanced child. A scared child without anyone to hold their hand, that was just pushed into the crowds of people.

Sure, they'd adapt, but some things would always stick, no matter how hard that poor child tries to rip it or pull it off.

A child who was never taught or shown affection, won't know affection, you'd have to teach them, wouldn't you?

It's similar to how it's easier to learn a language as a child, but when you grow up you can remember it, but you won't retain it,and in this case..

This child was Kenma kozume, a child who was never taught how to regulate anything, nor show most things.

So there was no wonder why he wouldn't return the gesture, I mean, he was just a lost child in the depts of his heart afterall.

So when F/n pulled away and saw the slightest smile Kenma couldn't hide, she was out of the world with happiness, the Kenma kozume just smiled, not even on purpose or for a picture.

But when Kenma realized what he was doing, he quickly looked away, the slight smile gone, just his natural resting face.

"I-uh do you want to go on the rollercoaster?" The male questioned, avoiding eye contact as he looked around, earning a hum and nod from the person of the opposite gender next to him.

They first went and found a spot specifically reserved for items of yours, a signature , fingerprint and name was all it took to put it in, and the same to take it out before they finally started making their way to the rollercoaster-or at least were about to.

F/n took his hand in hers with a smile, this time Kenma lightly holding hers back and they walked over to the rollercoaster that was extremely high, the screams of the people currently on it filling the air along with the chatter of the crowded amusement park.

834 words
Small Kenma lore!!
This feels so short bc there's no like texting.. next few chapters will just consist of chatting , nothing else though!!-say thank you to TikTok bc without it you wouldn't have gotten this chapter so soon.(Not very soon-its been two months)

Coincidence |fem!reader x Blue lock and haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now