twenty-eight: the wild, wild west

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▂▂▂▂▂ act one , chapter twenty-eight
Salvation , 1871 ▂▂▂▂▂

▂▂▂▂▂ act one , chapter twenty-eightTHE WILD, WILD WESTSalvation , 1871 ▂▂▂▂▂

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❝oh, shit, snart.❞

HAVING THE THOUGHT imbedded in her brain that somewhere out there in the distant timeline, these so-called Hunters could be out there killing her younger self put Elle just a tad bit on edge. Nobody could blame her because the rest of the team, too, felt intensely threatened... but nobody would admit that aloud. Everyone had their precious pride to protect.

But it didn't stop Elle's mind from wondering what that sort of action could entail. She couldn't help but think of all the various scenarios where, in the timeline, she died earlier than she was initially supposed to. Imagine all the lives that were affected because of that — while it wouldn't be as severe if Aiden had stayed erased because Elle was sure to encounter substantially less important people in her life than her boyfriend, there would still be drastic consequences. Though I guess that doesn't really matter with the Time Masters on your side, Elle had thought. Still, she was having trouble depicting a world where she wasn't in Aiden's or any of the Parlour's lives. Their lives would nevertheless be different, but maybe for the better.

Something else that's been holding a place in Elle's thoughts was what Rory had said in the brig when it was the two of them. It was the last bit that had the Anders girl pondering. You didn't think at the Russian prison. You just acted. Those two sentences regarding her powers malfunction in the brig held a particularly stubborn grip in Elle's mind. She really pondered what Rory was implying. Was not thinking all it took for her powers to work perfectly to her advantage? Had she just been thinking too much all along? Obviously, if she were drained, that wouldn't work, but for making objects and other people invisible, perhaps not thinking would be enough.

Elle's brain had run circles last night, thinking between Rory's sort of advice on her power predicament and the Hunters pursuing her younger self. It didn't allow much sleep to find the Anders girl last night.

Right now, however, she was wide awake, seeing as the team had just time-jumped into the past the furthest they had gone up to this point. And let's just say that everyone was feeling it.

The moment he landed the Waverider in an open pasture, Rip violently threw his safeguards over his head. "Aah! It's been quite a while since I time-jumped far enough to experience side effects." The man then weirdly grasped his right hand. "Fond memories."

Disarray soon took over the bridge.

On Elle's right, in the next pair of seats, sat Kendra and Jefferson; the former started to tap his cheek. "I can't feel my face."

Solar ; 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘸Where stories live. Discover now