3: Black coffee

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Drink glasses clinked together and laughter was loud and plentiful.

"I can't believe you got promoted!" Her mother exclaimed, still in shock.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" Her father asked her, taking a sip of his beer.

"I know Rae can do anything. But she had been exec assistant for so long. I was starting to think he wouldn't give it to her."

"He probably wasn't. But my girl went in there an demanded it." Tre cheesed hard like a proud father. She snort.

"It was about time. Besides, I couldn't work as an exec assistant forever."

"Tell us how it went!" Her sister Amee asked, an excited grin on her face.

"Not much to tell. I went in there, asked him to give me a promotion or else I would leave the corporation. He's really benefited from me these four years so he knew I was a big asset." Tre chuckled.

"Damn straight. You been wiping that man's ass for four years. The least he could do is give you what you deserve." They all laughed.

"So Rae," She looked up into the face of her father.

"Where is Kwasame?" She put her glass of wine down.

"He couldn't join us. He work late so he sends his regards."

"Kinda unfortunate isn't it? Your boo couldn't be here..." Amee commented.

"I'll have my time with him. Right now it's all y'all."

"Well good. I think I'd have a problem with any man takin my baby girl away from me." Her father said with a grunt.

"Daddy please." He chuckled.

"How are things with Kwasame?" She blushed and tightened her lips on the rim of her glass.

"Things are good."

"Oh come on, tell us more than that Rae." Amee exclaimed, her face full of nosiness.

"What? Things are good."

"Okay so if I were in a happy relationship with a man as fine and foreign as yours things would not be good. They would be absolutely life changing." She cut her eyes at her sister.

"Pardon me if I don't want to share all my business with y'all. Y'all some of the nosiest folks in New York." Amee clutched her heart and feigned hurt.

"Excuse me. No we are not."

"Mm. Tell that lie to somebody else." Tre chuckled.

"Well, regardless you look happy. I like that guy." Rae snort.

"You sure you don't just like him because he is black?"

"He's better than that Japanese fellow you were infatuated with in high school." Her father spoke up, calmly taking another sip of his beer. She looked at him.

"Dad!" Amee said sharply, softly hitting him.

"Kendrick, what are you talking about?" Her mother said, a stern look on her face. He sighed.

"Sorry baby girl. I meant nothing by it."

"What was wrong about him being Japanese?"

"Nothin Rae. Forget it." She took a deep breath and leaned forward on the table.

"Nah. You mentioned it so I wanna know why." He had everyone's attention. She tapped her fingernails on the table, waiting.

"It's just that I don't have a high tolerance for men who hurt the women in my family. Especially those who know nothing about our culture and the way we do things." She bit her lips before replying.

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