42. Disgrace

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Night 3:00 AM,
Mahila Police Thana, Janpat, Lucknow

RR: Kainat Madam, when did you arrive? I've been trying to call your number for the past hour, and all I hear is the same "not reachable" message over and over. And you're here enjoying the show?

Constable Riya's voice was filled with disbelief as she emerged from the gym room with her smartphone in hand. She looked at Kainat, who stood by a table across from the jail room, her legs crossed, arms folded, and a wide smile on her face. Kainat appeared lost in some unknown world.

KJS: (in a dreamy tone) Oh Riya.. Just see there.. How hot she looks battering that bastard with that baton?.. I never knew she cares for me so much.. I mean.. look how she is beating the crap out of him without caring about his miserable condition!.. and all this because he crossed boundries with me.. How lucky I am to have such a loving senior!!..

Says Kainat adoring her senior, Kaira, who was drenched in sweat, her uniform disheveled, ruthlessly confronting Mr. Daniel Arthur, the drug dealer. He was now bleeding from nearly every part of his body, crouched in a corner of the jail room, half-naked, battered, bruised and trembling, in a semi-conscious state.

RR: (facepalming) Kainat Madam!!! Maddam Sir isn't beating him for that reason. She's beating him because she has an intense dislike for drug dealers. It wouldn't be wrong to say she holds some kind of grudge or hatred against them. He's already provided us with all the information about his operation, the people he's involved with, the locations of his stashes, and everything we need to dismantle the entire drug racket that recently emerged in Lucknow. However, Maddam Sir has continued to thrash him without respite. What if he ends up dead in the lockup!? We could all lose our jobs and potentially face jail time. Moreover, Maddam Sir hasn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday, and Barbie madam isn't here to persuade her to have something.

Riya voiced all her concerns at once, leaving Kainat to process the information, her index finger resting on her chin.

KJS: (comprehending deeply) So, she's not beating him because he touched me...?

RR: Ohh Madam.. snap out of your daydream and go rescue that unfortunate soul from Maddam Sir. I don't want to lose my hard-earned job, at least not until I get married.

KJS: (feigning a frown) You just crumbled my heart in a matter of seconds Riya.. How could you demolish people's dreams like that!?.. How can you say my Maddam Sir doesn't care about me!?.. You know how big a sin it is to shatter an innocent girl's fantasies!?
Says Kainat over-dramatically looking at Riya with a hurt expression.

RR: (almost screeching) Madam!!!!! What's going on with you?.. Why are you acting like this?.. Did you drink something? (placing her hand on her head) Oh my God! How could I forget?! You had two cocktails, and that foolish guy slipped you some drugs on top of that! It's a miracle you're even standing here talking to me. You must have an astonishing tolerance for intoxicants.

KJS: I'm feeling sleepy.. I'll go and sleep..
Says Kainat yawning and stepping towards the gym room, only to be stopped by Riya.

RR: Madam, as a police officer, how can you leave someone to be beaten to death and just go to sleep? Please, madam, go stop Kaira madam.

KJS: (pausing and looking at Riya) Come on, Riya. He's a drug dealer, and drug dealers deserve the most horrific death in the world. If you're so concerned about him, you can go stop her. Don't you have hands?

RR: Madam, do you really think I have so much strength to stop that raging bull?

KJS: (giggling with a shy smile) It's not a raging bull, Riya. It's a raging cow!

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