44. Coping?

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Kainat, who just felt an electrifying jolt pass through her body when Kaira's fingers grazed the exposed skin of her shoulders while sliding off the shirt, clutches her fist to overcome the inappropriate desires of her senses that her senses have been stirred up by the recent encounter.

She feels utterly exposed as the cool night breeze, seeping in through the creased curtains, sensually caresses her glistening skin. In the peaceful moment that follows, she experiences the tantalizing sensation of fingertips tracing her bare stomach in a distinct pattern. The touch is unnaturally gentle, almost featherlike, yet it successfully kindles a fire within her that she finds impossible to ignore.

Kainat, lost in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, abruptly regains her senses when she notices a slight shiver in the fingers that were caressing her skin. The jolt of reality strikes her like a lightning bolt, jolting her out of her delusional world. She quickly parts her eyes to meet the frozen gaze of Kaira, whose teary eyes were revealing a multitude of unsettling emotions, locked on to Kainat's bare upper body covered only with a bra. Kainat shifts her gaze from a perspiring self of Kaira to the latter's trembling hand which was tracing the lines of red curvy marks that had adorned her entire upper body, as if she was trying to decipher the story behind each one of them.


Kaira, entrapped in the whirlpool of her traumatic past since she first laid eyes on the serpentine marks encircling Kainat's body, is bombarded by harrowing memories she had hoped never to revisit. She cannot bear the thought of those curvaceous marks representing what she fears they might. The notion of another person enduring the same pain she had suffered in the past is unbearable to her. As she descends deeper into the dark vortex bridging past and present, Kaira is yanked back into the here and now by the sensation of her hand being swatted away from hypnotic marks imprinted on Kainat's toned abs.


After promptly pushing away the hands that had been wandering over her body, Kainat hastily pulls her full-sleeved uniform shirt from where it was stuck on her forearm to her shoulders, hastily covering herself while maintaining an unreadable expression. She steps away from Kaira's confused yet concerned gaze, only to be halted by a hand clutching her wrist.

DKS: What are those marks?
Asks Kaira in a stern tone, looking at the Kainat who had her back faced to Kaira.

KJS: It's none of your business Ms.Singh..
Says Kainat in a cold stoic tone enraging Kaira.

Kaira clenches her jaw tightening her grip around Kainat's wrist and pins her back to the wall forcefully causing Kainat to squeeze her eyes shut momentarily as pain shoots through her body as soon as her back collides with the wall.

The clenched jaws of Kaira relaxes upon seeing the pain on Kainat's face. She takes a long deep breath to control her anger and raises her hand to reveal the friendship band embellishing her wrist to Kainat.

DKS: (in a softer tone) IT IS my business Kainat!.. Please try to understand.. You told me just a few hours ago that I have every right to know about you and your life.. Now I want to know who did this to you..
Asks Kaira with genuine concern in her tone. However, Kainat remains composed, her expression plain and her tone devoid of emotion as she responds.

KJS: Who did what?.. Nobody has done anything to me..

But Kaira's frustration has reached its limits. Her voice deepens, and she clenches her teeth as she addresses Kainat.

DKS: Kainat you know I'm a police officer and not a child.. I know those on your body are fresh belt whip marks, barely a day old.. I'm asking who abused you like this and why are you trying to hide it!?.. That too being a police officer yourself!!..

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