Humanity Is Cruel

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Maurice stayed. Even after the sudden attack was drawn to a close. Not many apes were injured yet few were traumatized, like any other ape here, but most of those were ape children. Born without human pain and torture. The giant orangutan male took a seat near the now shaking and slightly shivering human child. He didn't know if this was due to a horrible nightmare or due to the fever, so he took his time to cover the smaller weaker form with a hand-sewn blanket. it wasn't thick nor was it thin. Maurice crosses his arms to rest against his lap, leaning into the seat to relax himself, only to be interrupted by a fellow friendly face; Rocket. He slows his speed to quieter unnerving steps, alert that it is merely Maurice and a sleeping child, to which hangs his head low in uncertainty and empathy. The orangutan imminently noticed something small in Rocket's hand, the size of an ape child's arm, to which he continued fiddling with it. It was not fully done.

'I heard from Ceaser what this child had done for my boy. I made this for them to keep. A thank you from both of us.' Rocket signs after adding more to the little gift of gratitude, Maurice observed as he fiddled with it more 'Wish to thank them in person. Only now, I wish them a healthy recovery.'

As Rocket worked to finish it off, a few beads left to add, the orangutan re-dips the cold rag. Wrangling enough water out before shaking it out in hope to make it cooler. Soon sets it back into the red cold sweat face that struggled in their pitiful state. He couldn't tell if it was growing worse or better. He knew little of human anatomy.

A thudding sound of something landing was heard. Both apes stop to glanced towards the door. It was not just one ape yet two.

Lake, teacher and educator like Maurice, comes in to greet the two males. Lake was a good chimp. In fact, a soon to be queen if Blue Eyes ever confess his feelings or begins courting for her. Anyone can take her. Anyone. Both males adore Lake only not who came after she entered. The healers never see him that much as of now, to which two were still here at the moment, assumed he was in need of proper care. He didn't like that. He scared them off, hissing and showing his teeth, to which no one nears him. Giving him the space he so wants. And space he will so obtain.

Lake frowns, knowing herself she was well protected with these two other males here, gently tucked a stranded hair behind scorching red ears. She was one of the few who was caught in mid battle, two chimps crying and wailing for help in her arms, was lucky to be pulled out of there before it blew up. A human made bomb sneaking it's way in unnoticed. Today was full of not so good things. For now, she will spend the rest of her time here. Watching over the odd human child Ash and Blue Eyes claim to be something more than human. In all honesty, she wished the child was fully awake and well. Eager to see what those two saw out there. Caesar too..

"Human...don't belong." His english was not the best nor welcoming, like how physical scarred he is outside, it equally levels out with his hatred that overflows within, voice cold and rough, he didn't like the smell of human stained this room, it sickens him to no end "Let it we...all have."

Rocket huffs, not near done with his project, signs quickly to the ape, defending with all he could 'We all were treated unwell and differently by humans! It was not just you that suffered Koba. Neither of us were there with Caesar. Trust in him and his choices. Without him, we apes still be suffering under human rules.'

Koba didn't like Rocket's loyalty. Like all those here, they rather forget than seek revenge. Justice. Blood shed and extinction of all human kind. All thanks to Caesar, the human pet, their king and leader.

"So loyal and so...weak...this why...Tinker died that night.."

That was a line he shouldn't have crossed. Koba laughs in victory as Rocket tried to stand, Maurice hooting and restraining the heart broken ape, Lake uncertain to interfere or not. The large orangutan wasn't able to cover Rocket's screams and cries. He loved Tinker. He would have died for her. Instead all he had was their son, the infant, who was found in the arms of his deceased lover. Seven bullets wounds from upper to lower back.He missed her. So much it hurts to even hear her name.

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