Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. The show follows single mother Lorelai Gilmore (Graham) and her daughter, also named Lorelai - who prefers to go by Rory - (Bledel), living in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. [Source: Gilmore Girls Wiki]
FFAEK: it needs only one word to set Emily off into an hour-long monologue. The word is Jess.*****
Chapter Four: Gilmore Girls
Nathan leaned towards me and said, “Is it working?”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course, it's not. I am already charmed by someone else.”
Nathan shook his head at me like I was hopeless. He took a few steps forward and turned around.
“To be honest,” he turned and shoved his hands in his pockets, “I don't even need to charm you, do I?”
He said with a cocky smile.
I crossed my arms, “Whatever gave you that idea?”
His smile only stretched as he came towards me, leaning down to meet my eyes, “You'd know, wouldn't you?”
I shook my head, “I don't know what you're talking about.”
He straightened, “Sure, you don't.”
We stared in silence, sizing each other up. It felt like a battle of wits.
It definitely wasn't a battle of wits because he was an idiot.
An idiot who asked, “Guess you're not gonna take a ride from me?”
I raised an eyebrow.
“Well then.”
I saw it. I saw his large hand come down. My eyes widened while I thought of every possible reason why he would be making this movement. His hand made contact with the top of my head. I almost gasped.
He smiled and ruffled my hair.
What the actual hell.
As he walked away, he turned back a little to add, “See you later, Kingsley. Try to stay alive.”
I stared at his back and saw his shoulders shake as he strode away, because he was probably laughing himself to hell.
I blinked quite a few times as my heartbeat slowly returned to normal. I cleared my throat, ran my fingers through my hair, trying to fix it.
It was time to go home.
I walked home on foot, the whole time cursing the fact that I didn't learn how to drive.
Well, if my beloved father were present, maybe he would have been the one to teach me to drive. What a good thing he wasn't, that I was able to take on this extra exercise, which was preferably better for my little tummy.
I honestly couldn't care less.
As I reached home, I took out my phone and texted TJ.
Emily: Guess what happened today
TJ: wot
Emily: Nathan Callahan ruffled my hair and talked smut with me
TJ: wait
The Way I Loved You ✓
Teen FictionShe'd die for love. He didn't believe in love. *** From reading The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, to watching 10 Things I Hate About You, to listening to You are in Love by Taylor Swift, Emily Kingsley's life is a sum of moments she has spen...