chapter four

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A/N: hi guys, what do you think so far? pls let me know. also this chapter contains sexual assault so please read at your own risk and take care of your mental health. i love you

I woke up with a very bad headache. I groaned and sat up grabbing my phone from the nightstand. No messages from Kendall. I shouldn't be disappointed but I was.

To clear my mind, I took an aspirin, showered and changed into some low rise jeans and an oversized hoodie. I was blow-drying my hair when the doorbell rang. I walked to the front door and when I opened it I saw my childhood friend.

"Hey, Y/n" She said softly, wrapping me with her arms.

"Hi, Cami," I smiled. "Come in''

I've known Camila Morrone since we were five years old. Although I was born in Argentina and she was born in Los Angeles, her family used to come very often for Christmas or special occasions, which is why we developed a super close bond. We sat on the couch with some salads that she had brought.

"I missed you, it's been a while" She said while sitting down with her legs crossed.

"Yeah, I missed you too," I nodded. "So um, how have you been?" I asked her, bringing the fork to my mouth.

"Really good. I've been super excited with this new project and its opening new doors for me" Camila said excitedly.

"I'm really proud of you, Cami," I nodded. There were a few seconds of silence until I dared to ask the obvious. "Why are you here, Cam? You're supposed to be in New York"

Camila put her salad on the table and sat closer to me.

"Hailey called me," She started. "I'm sorry, y/n"

I also left the salad on the table and sighted. "Thank you, but I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I need to go out and stop thinking about her,'' I said firmly.

Camila nodded and smiled. "Okay" She said. "We're going out, then"

"Suki!" I smiled, hugging my friend.

"Hey babe," Suki Waterhouse chuckled.

I let go from the embrace and sloppily grabbed another shot. "I missed you" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"I missed you, too" The British girl said, downing her drink.

The three of us and some other friends were in a club that prohibited paparazzi for everyone's safety.

"I'm gonna get us more drinks" I said and left towards the bar.

"How drunk is she?" Suki asked Cami who was looking towards my direction to make sure nothing happened to me.

"Very, but she needs this," Cam said. "Who is she talking to?" My friend asked.

"I don't know but I don't like him at all, let's go" Suki said and started walking towards me.

"You're so funny" I laughed at something he said and touched his arm sensually.

"And you're so sexy" she smirked, looking at my boobs which were quite visible thanks to the low-cut top I was wearing. He then directed his gaze to my mini leather skirt.

"Thanks" I smiled. He ordered another drink and gave me one.

"Do you wanna go to my car, doll?" The man offered, licking his lips while checking me out.

I couldn't answer because Suki grabbed my wrist and walked away from the bar.

"Sorry, she needs to leave" She said with a fake smile, dragging me out of there.

"What the fuck?" I protested, letting go from Suki's grip.

"C'mon Y/n, don't be fucking stupid" The blonde told me. She tried to grab my hand but I pushed her.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I said.

"Y/n..." Cami started.

"And don't fucking follow me" I said abruptly.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, that's when I saw the door open and a man walk in.

"Hey, this is not your-"

He covered my mouth with his hand and pushed me into one of the cubicles. I tried to get him off of me but the man hit me on the face and grabbed me by the neck, forcing me to look at him. That's when I realised it was the same man from the bar.

"Shut the fuck up, slut" He ordered and started to undress me and himself.

He then covered my mouth again and tightened his grip. When he started touching me I realised there was nothing I could do so I just closed my eyes and tried to shut off my mind.

I woke up on the floor of the bathroom, my dress was torn and my muscles ached. The door opened once again and I prayed it wasn't him. Suki and Camila entered the bathroom and when they saw me on the floor, they knelt down and started saying stuff but I couldn't hear or understand them so I just closed my eyes and relaxed my body knowing they were here with me. That's the last thing I remember from that night.

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