chapter ten

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A/N: hiii this is a kind of irrelevant chapter but here u go

I was chilling in my house with Kylie and her kids before the party. My friends decided to throw me a welcome party at a club they rented just for us.

"Here, draw flowers around the horsie," Stormi told me, handing me a purple marker. The little girl was sitting on my lap while we both drew together.

"Can I draw pink ones too?" I asked.

"Mhm, but not next to the purple ones. Draw them here" She said, pointing next to a big tree she had drawn.

"Okay" I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"What a cute drawing," Kylie told us. "What do you think?" She asked Aire who was sitting on her lap.

"Pretty" The little boy answered, making Kylie and I smile.

When I finished drawing the flowers, I put down the marker and looked at Kylie who was looking at us lovingly.

"We would make a cute family," She said.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, me, you and these two babies" I said and stroked Aire's leg making the child giggle.

"Mhm, too bad you're in love with my sister" Kylie smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, too bad" I chuckled. "I love you, though" I said, looking at her lovingly.

"I love you too," She said, sincerely. "And I love you and you" Kylie tickled her children's bellies making them laugh. I chuckled as well and kissed the two kids on the cheek.

"Is anyone hungry?" I asked.

"Me!" Stormi said, excitedly.

"Let's go then"

I stood up with the kid in my arms and then placed her on the floor. We both walked to the kitchen and the little girl raised her arms for me to lift her up and sit her on the counter. I did and then opened the fridge.

"Are you hungry for ice cream or cookies?" I asked the girl.

She stayed silent for a while while thinking about it. "Ice cream" She decided.

"Okay," I said and took the ice cream pot from the freezer. I gave it to the little girl and grabbed two spoons. I sat next to her at the counter and we started to eat.

"What are you two eating?" Kylie asked, walking into the kitchen with Aire in her arms.

"Chocolate ice cream" Stormi said to her mom who smiled at us.

"Yummy, can I have some?" Ky asked. Stormi gave her her spoon but Aire stole it and stuck it in his mouth.

"Aire!" The Jenner complained between laughs.

After a couple of hours the two kids fell asleep in the spare room so Kylie and I went to my room to try on outfits.

"Do you like it?" I asked, doing a slow spin. I was wearing a black Marc Jacobs dress which had a loose neckline that revealed my chest and almost my tits.

"You look so good" She smiled and touched the tight dress around my waist.I chuckled when I felt her lower her hand towards my ass.

"Kylie!" I slapped her hand and laughed.

"Okay, sorry" She chuckled. "What about heels?"

"Prada, probably" I replied, looking at myself in the mirror. "Can you...?" I asked, pointing to the zip of the dress.

Kylie nodded and stood behind me as I looked at us both from the mirror. She gently pushed my hair to one side and unzipped the dress to my waist. The fabric fell forward and I had to grab it on my chest so as not to end up in boobs since I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Done" Kylie smiled and sat back on the bed.

I thanked her and took the dress off, putting on the bra and an oversized shirt that covered me up to my legs. I sat next to her and leaned my head on her shoulder. Kylie caressed my face with her hand and kissed the top of my head.

"This reminds me of four years ago," I said softly. "Only this time we're not crying" I said, making Ky giggle.

"Yeah..." Kylie smiled. "We never talked about what happened that night" She said almost as if she was afraid of bringing it up. I took a second to respond.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" I asked, raising my head and meeting her gaze.

"Just... Are you okay?" Kylie looked at me deeply. I smiled and cupped one side of her face.

"I am, baby" I replied and kissed her head.

"Okay" She whispered and nodded.

"Good" That's when I noticed her glassy eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about me" I shook my head. "You have a lot in your plate already"

"Yeah, fuck" She rubbed her face with her hands and took a deep breath. "I don't know what I'm going to do," She said, stressed. I put a hand on her back and stayed silent waiting for her to vent. "He's just out there fucking other girls and I have to pretend I don't care because of my kids," Kylie sighted. "They're just babies"

"You're the best mom ever, Kyles. And the most amazing woman" I said. "And he's a fucking asshole for not appreciating and respecting you" I caressed her cheek, wiping away a tear that fell from her eye. "I love you" I whispered.

"I love you," Ky smiled. I hugged her and stoked her hair.

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