chapter eighteen

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Two months time skip

Kendall and I travelled to France for fashion week a few days before to prepare and attend the rehearsals. Our jet landed in the afternoon and security took us to our private suit. Even though Ken and I didn't model for the same brand, Versace and Marc Jacobs arranged a hotel where we could stay together.

"Holy shit, this place is so beautiful" I said, looking out the huge windows of the suite.

"You get excited even though you've been to Paris a hundred times, you're so cute" Kendall said and stood behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. "I love you" She whispered to my ear.

I turned around and pressed my body against her and she held tighter to my waist.

"I'm in love with you" I whispered back, grabbing her by the back of her neck.

"Like, madly in love, type of love?" She asked with a small smile knowing I hate corny shit.

"Ew" I giggled and scrunched my nose. "Cute" I pecked her lips and let go of her embrace.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge door where I found chocolates, fruits and a red wine.

"Y/n?" Kendall called for me as she entered the kitchen.

"Fuck" I muttered and closed the fridge. "There are no cookies," I protested.

"Why would there be cookies in the refrigerator?" Ken asked with a slight chuckle.

"I don't know, maybe... I don't know" I sighed.

Kendall walked up to me and I hugged her, hiding my head on her chest. Ken caressed my back with her fingertips making me yawn.

"Are you tired?" She asked, kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah" I nodded. "Can we have a little nap?"

"Of course, I'll wake you up for dinner, baby," She said, playing with my hair.

"No, I want you to sleep with me" I redirected my gaze at her and she kissed my lips.

"Okay" She smiled. "Come on, up" Kendall said and held my hand.

We got to our room, and we layed next to each other. I took off my pants and my shirt and got under the covers.

"Hey" I said, making Kendalls complete attention turn to me.

"Ooh, is that kind of nap?" Ken asked, biting her lower lip.

"Nope, I just want to be comfortable" I said and straddled her. "You should take off your clothes as well, though" I whispered, kissing her neck.

"Hmm, really?" She moaned quietly while caressing my bare back. She played with the clasp of my bra and with her other hand, she caressed my ass. "I love your ass" She moaned as I hit her sweet spot.

"Aw, how romantic" I laughed, kissing her lips.

"Sorry, I love your big squishy fucki-"

"Shut up!" I laughed and covered her mouth. I stopped laughing when I realised she was just gazing at me, her eyes full of love and tenderness. "What?" I frowned with a titter.

"I just love you so, so much" She smiled.

"Like, madly in love, type of love?" I asked, matching her smile. Kendall rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Hmm maybe" She scrunched her nose and I kissed her passionately.

We fell asleep hugging each other not long after and woke up by the alarm on my girlfriend's phone.

"Oh god, shoot me" I groaned, hiding my head under the pillows.

"That's a nice way to wake up," Kendall said sarcastically.

"I fucking hate waking up" I said. "But I do love it when I'm doing it next to you" I got up and smiled.

"Mhm, I bet" She chuckled and kissed me. "How do you not taste weird?" Ken asked as I kept kissing her.

"I dunno, it's a talent" I said and my girlfriend giggled. "Okay, let's get ready! I wanna go to a nice place to have dinner" I said while standing up and putting on one of Kendall's oversized shirts.

"Really? I thought we could stay here tonight and maybe watch a movie or something" Kendall said, sitting up and resting herself with her elbows.

"Oh, yeah, sure. We can-"

"I'm kidding, babe. I've already booked a table in a restaurant in front of the Eiffel tower because I know how much you love it when it goes all shiny and shit" Kendall chuckled as she watched my expression change.

"God, you're so fucking sexy and kind and I love you so, so much" I beamed and jumped on top of her while kissing her face.

"I... love... you... too" She said between kisses.

"Okay, let's go!" I said excitedly, grabbing Kendall's hands and pulling her into the bathroom.

We took a shower and hot ready. I put on a black tight dresss and stilettos. After looking at myself in the mirror for the thousands time, I entered the bathroom where Kendall was finishing her makeup.

"I'm fucking horrible at this shit" Kendall protested and looked up, seeing me in the reflection of the mirror. "Oh, you look hot" She smiled and turned around, checking me out.

"Okay, stop staring at my boobs and come here" I grabbed the eyeliner from her hand and placed my hand gently on her jaw to keep her steady. "I don't get why you didn't call your glam team" I said while biting my lower lip so as to concentrate.

"I should've, but fortunately I have a loving talented girlfriend that can do it for me" She smiled.

"Well, I am talented" I licked my lips and smiled. "Ready, gorgeous girl" I kissed her temple softly and wiped the lipstick off her cheek. "You look perfect, Kenny"

"Thanks" She blushed.

We parked our rented car a few streets away from the restaurant since it was not on a street for cars so we walked a few blocks. Paparazzi made our walk impossible by flashing their lights at us and running us over.

We were about to arrive when a man with a camera crouched down and was about to take a photo under my dress when Kendall kicked his camera to the ground.

"Hey! What the fuck?" Ken yelled and security immediately tackled him to the ground. The man who was on the floor was now standing up with his arms held by security behind his back. "Are you okay?" She asked, holding my hand and looking at my eyes with a concerned look.

"Uh, ye- yeah" I stutter. "Just keep walking" I said and she held my hand tighter.

The security men forcibly removed all the paparazzi and we were able to reach the restaurant without more incidents.

We sat down in the VIP part which had this magnificent view of the Eiffel tower. I wasn't looking at it though, I kept my gaze fixed to my rings, playing with them.

"Baby," Kendall started. "I'm sorry" She whispered, softly touching my leg with hers from under the table.

"It's fine..." I sniffed.

"No it's not, it's fucked up. And you don't deserve it, you didn't deserve any of it" Kendall said with a soft gaze over me. "You have all right to feel frustrated and angry but they can't make you stop smiling" Ken whipped my tears from across the table and kissed my hand.

"I am in love with you" I looked deeply into her eyes and she smiled.

We ordered our dinner and talked about our next couple of busy days. Kendall had her Marc Jacobs rehearsal and I had my Versace rehearsal and then we had the fitting and dinners with all these important people and of course we wouldn't want to miss the parties with our friends and if we had time maybe a romantic day with each other in the most romantic city in the world.

A/N: sorry i haven't updated. school is going to be the death of me

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