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In the echoes of time, there existed a realm,
Where tales spun yarns of a maiden overwhelmed.
Cinderella, she was, gazing from her tower high,
Dreaming of a savior, beneath the starry sky.

In those ancient days, stories held a different hue,
Where hope was woven, expectations few.
She longed for a hero, brave and bold,
To rescue her from misery, his legend untold.

Amidst the trials, where dragons roared,
She awaited salvation, her spirit soared.
For she believed in the power of love's embrace,
To whisk her away, to a brighter place.

But time evolved, and so did the tale,
In the modern world, where desires prevail.
Cinderella still awaited, by her window's pane,
But her yearnings shifted, her dreams not the same.

No longer content with a mere valiant heart,
She sought a hero, a man of worldly art.
Tall, handsome, rich, and famed,
Her aspirations soared, her expectations framed.

In this new era, love bore a different face,
Material wealth overshadowed grace.
No longer did valor alone capture her sight,
But the allure of fortune, gleaming bright.

Yet, amidst the clamor, a lone soul stood,
With a heart of gold, in a misunderstood.
He fought the dragons, scaled the heights,
But Cinderella's gaze veered towards worldly delights.

For him, love was sacrifice, a noble quest,
But in this world, it failed the test.
He wondered, in the depths of night's embrace,
If his efforts were futile, in love's cruel race.

"I fought for her," he whispered to the moon,
"But in her eyes, my valor fades too soon."
He pondered the fable, of love's sweet allure,
Yet found no solace, in its promise pure.

In the end, he realized, love bore no decree,
No judge to weigh his fervent plea.
For in this world, where material reigns,
The essence of love, oftentimes wanes.

So he walked away, from the tower's glow,
Knowing that in love, some truths remain unknown.
For Cinderella may never come, in guise or guise,
But in his heart, love's ember never dies.

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