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"i can't do this, chaewon! i literally can't!" hyejin huffs as she slides down against the wall in the staff room.

her coworker and closest friend, min chaewon, watches in confusion, brows furrowed with concern.

"what can you not do?" she queries, putting her bag in her assigned locker. "i just walked in and your already complaining. also aren't you supposed to start at five? it's only like four o'clock."

"i know that, but i can't do this!" hyejin whines, kicking her feet like a child.

"okay, do what?" chaewon asks again, sliding down the wall beside her, quietly munching on a bag of chips.

"i-..." hyejin starts, taking a deep breath before telling chaewon why exactly she was so stressed, "there's this guy coming in to see me tonight. he's... i don't know, i guess he's pretty famous."

chaewon chokes on a chip, coughing and sputtering for a moment before staring at hyejin with wide eyes, "what? do i know him?"

"maybe." hyejin shrugs, head in her hands as she pictures every way the night could go wrong.

"what's his name?" chaewon seemed to be a little more excited now, lightly smacking hyejin's arm as a smile pulls at her lips.

"jung wooyoung." hyejin mutters.

chaewon's eyes go wide and her jaw drops. "jung wooyoung? as in, the jung wooyoung? like from ateez?"

"...yeah." her reply is meek and chaewon pauses, properly registering what hyejin had said before she squeals.

"oh my god, you're kidding! there's no way!" she giggles, "how? why? when?"

hyejin, having realised she wouldn't get much help from chaewon, rolls her eyes, staring at the lockers in front of her. "i met him on swipe, he wants to meet me i-r-l—his words, not mine—at four-thirty."

the bubbly girl's smile fades as she looks at the analog clock on the wall, "oh my god! that's in, like, fifteen minutes!" she gasps, standing from her spot on the floor. "quick! how do i look?"

"you look stunning, as per usual."

"okay, great! you look like shit, come here." without waiting for an answer, she grabs hyejin's hand, pulling her up before she begins applying lip gloss to her lips and fixing her hair. "much better! now come help me make sure the place is spotless."

for the next ten minutes or so, the girls run around ensuring the bar and dining area were completely up to standard, wiping down tables and polishing glasses. then, hyejin heads back into the staff room for a few minutes to calm herself down, look at herself in the mirror, mess with her hair, fix her clothes, the works.

then, at four-thirty, she pokes her head out to the front door to find the one and only jung wooyoung, waiting patiently outside in the heavy rain, just like he said he would.

hyejin considers leaving him to wait until five but, watching him stand there, trying desperately to keep his hood on his head sends a pang of guilt through her heart and she rushes over to open the door for him.

"wooyoung?" she shouts, the grin on his face spreading one to her own.

"hyejin? hi!" he spoke cheerily.

"do you... wanna come inside?" she asks cautiously, looking down to find his shoes were soaked and he was standing in a puddle.

"i thought you didn't open until five." he tilts his head, pouting slightly.

"we don't but, i feel terrible leaving you out here. please come in, for the sake of my sanity." she chuckles and he smiles as she moves aside, opening the door just wide enough for him to slip inside without letting too much rain inside. "i didn't think you were actually going to come."

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