Characters Synopses

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Since this is a collection of one-shots, I'm going to give a list of characters that are related to my main OC, Ichijiku. It's not an exhaustive list by any means, but it's her main friends that she interacts with, as well as the main antagonist that I'll be using in some of them. Without further ado, here's a list of characters to help you understand personalities, quirks, etc.

Character Synopses

1. Ichijiku Aoki (Main OC)

Quirk: Compulsions (The Emotional Hero: Tigress of Temperament)

Appearance/Personality: Ichijiku (Ichi-chan, Ichan, Ichi) is average height (5'5") with long, wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes to match. She's heavier set and curvy. She grew up in an emotionally abusive/distant household and thus often struggles with her emotions. Having gone through such tough times at home, she resolved to be a ray of sunshine and love everyone around her! She is of the mentality that because she grew up in such a troubled home, she wanted to make sure no one else she meets has to deal with that. Even if she's breaking apart inside, she'll always keep up appearances to keep others from worrying about her, oftentimes to her own detriment. Ichi often struggles to stand up for herself and make others maintain her boundaries, but she's learning how to find her voice.

Quirk Details: Originally, Ichijiku thought her quirk was just that her laughter heals. However, over time she's uncovered a plethora of quirk sounds that result in different reactions for anyone that hears her voice. Examples include: yawning makes others fall asleep, screaming makes people afraid, and whooping makes people laugh. She has to use her quirk sparingly lest she lose her voice completely, rendering her quirk useless.

2. Sayuri Akamine (Best Friend)*

Quirk: Fear Manipulation (The Phobia Hero: Phobos)

Appearance/Personality: Sayuri (Say-chan, Yuri) is a little taller than average height (5'9"-5'10") with mid-length dirty blonde hair with blonde highlights. She's heavier set with a muscular build. Sayuri is fierce, more aggressive, and bolder than Ichijiku, which complements Ichi's milder temperament. Because of how loud she is, sometimes she can be seen as hostile when really she's just excited and passionate! She often helps Ichi stand up for herself and learn where to draw the line to enforce her boundaries; Ichi often helps remind Yuri that it's okay to have the more "unacceptable" emotions and to express them whenever Yuri thinks that such a display is a sign of weakness.

Quirk Details: With an enhanced amygdala, Yuri's quirk allows her to feel fear from the others around her like an intake valve, and then either use her own fear or the fear of others and push it out like an outtake valve in order to send out waves of fear. With physical touch, she can even see the memories of those whose fear she touches along with them (it can be memories or nightmares) which she has to be careful of. Whenever she sees those memories, she relives them and it often sends her into full-on panic attacks if she isn't careful. It also pulls memories out of her that the person she touches can see.

3. Hanayuki Akamine (Best Friend)

Quirk: Memory (Support Engineer)

Appearance/Personality: Hanayuki (Hana-chan, Hana, Yuki) is average height (5'4") with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She's average build and curvy. She doesn't like to be controlled but that makes her more domineering than she intends at times. She isn't afraid to be blunt and honest about how she feels, sometimes to the detriment of others. But she loves fiercely and remains incredibly protective of her friends and those she loves. She loves to hang out with friends and always keeps herself busy. She often helps Ichi by being honest and reminding her to take time for herself and not just please everyone else. Ichi reminds Hana to take a break and remains a stable place for her to land whenever her busy flights of fancy overwhelm her.

Quirk Details: Hana's quirk is like Eraserhead's, only instead of canceling quirks, her quirk allows her to see into the memories of others. For as long as her eyes are open and focused on multiple targets, she's able to see their memories and make her targets relive them until she blinks/they get out of her line of sight. As she's trained her quirk's abilities, she's able to choose the general emotion of memories that she pulls forward. Not unlike Eraserhead, her eyes get dry often and she finds herself walking around with a bottle of eyedrops on hand.

4. Hanoku Yoru (Best Friend)*

Quirk: Light & Shadow (Pro Hero: Alright)

Appearance/Personality: Hanoku (Hachan) is a little under average height (5'1") with dark blonde hair and galactic blue eyes. She's heavier set and curvy. Hanoku struggles with seeing herself in a positive light and her friends often have to remind her of her value. Due to her manipulative parents in childhood, she sometimes resorts to similar behavior when she's scared of getting in trouble. Like Ichi, she's quiet but enthusiastic about the things she's passionate about. She often looks at things from a different angle in order to offer different perspectives to others. She frequently hangs out with Ichi for story ideas and Ichi often reminds her of her more positive attributes.

Quirk Details: On her left side, she can make shadow blankets. On her right side, she can make light blankets. If she focuses hard enough, she can make the blankets tangible. She can force both blankets together in an explosion of light and dark called Rainbow Dash. It creates a force that can knock things down, but it's not really dangerous. When directed at the ground, it can launch her into the air so she can glide, called Rainbow Glide. She can also create little beads of light that float in her shadow blanket, called Bead Swarm.

5. Kigai Akuma (Antagonist/Ex-Boyfriend)

Quirk: Telepathy (Unknown Underground Underhanded Dealings)

Appearance/Personality: Kigai is above average height (6'0") with short black, curly hair, and blue eyes. He's lean but muscular and fit. Often written as a narcissist, Kigai is usually the main antagonist and boyfriend/turns-ex-boyfriend of the story. He's domineering and arrogant, leading him to listen to no one but himself. He enjoys karaoke and video games with his friends, and works underground to make extra cash. He typically views Ichi as an item and object to meet his needs, while treating her well enough to keep her around at the expense of her mental, emotional, and sometimes physical health.

Quirk Details: Kigai's quirk is telepathy. When he shares eye contact with someone, he can impress what he's thinking into their minds. He cannot gather thoughts from other people, only send out his own. It is one of the ways he frequently confuses people by acting one way, but meeting their gaze and telling them something different in their mind.

* - These characters were created by my friends and I was given permission to write and post them in my story since we all write fanfiction together. Any questions about their characters may take longer to respond to as I will have to ask them. Any constructive criticism about their characters will be filtered through me in a kind way if you can't say it nicely yourself because they put a lot of hard work into them.

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