A Girl Worth Fighting For [Enji] (Fluff)

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Author's Note: From what I've seen, Enji isn't exactly a favorite among the fandom, but I'm a sucker for a redemption/atonement arc so he's one of my favorites. Of course I had to write some cute fanfiction for him! I hope it's as fun for you to read as it was for me to write it!

Ichijiku (Tigress)

Imagine Dragons blasts through the speakers as I dance through the kitchen with my broom. With the house to myself, I don't have the fear of being judged for the way I twirl around and wiggle my hips to the rhythm.

"You are my Monday, you're the best day of the week..." I belt the lyrics, not even caring that I mess up half of them as I grab a few snack wrappers from the counter to toss.

The soft sound of my cat's indignant chirp interrupts my singing session as Fauna hops on the dining mat. Her orange eyes blink up at me expectantly.

"Beaaan! You know the rules. Come on, off the mat." I set my broom aside and shoo her away. "Are you hungry? Huh? Is that it?" I could have sworn I just filled her food bowl.

Sure enough, when I reach her food bowl, it's nearly full. I crinkle my nose at her and pick her up, giggling at her unimpressed expression as I pet her back.

"You silly baby, you still have food and water!" I smother her in kisses, inciting her to flick her tail around. "You brought this on yourself, you know. I don't know what you want! Would you like a treat? Do you want to play?"

She just mewls and wriggles, trying to escape. Thus sure she doesn't want cuddles, I offer her a treat before setting her down and then pulling out her favorite string toy.

After a few rounds of unleashing my inner creature of prey for my cat's entertainment and we're both pooped. I giggle and scratch her ears before leaving her to sleep in favor of brainstorming a plan for what needs cleaning next. In the meantime, I send Enji a text.

I miss youuuu! It reads.

I pocket my phone, looking impatiently at the front door. He's never early on Thursdays, but a wife can dream. I wait a moment or two before sighing and turning my attention to the window looking into our massive backyard. Everything seems clean at least. I don't know that there's anything else to do for today except to start dinner whenever Enji replies.

Outside, sunlight paints our Pagoda tree in heavenly light. Our two Sakura trees arch up in a protective shroud around the water fountain and bird bath. Flower blossoms, vibrant and lively, reach up to the sky for their energy and nourishment. With my ice quirk, feeling the warmth of the sun in the garden is the closest I get to Enji when I miss him.

I smile, padding into the bedroom to grab my most recent book. After stopping by the closet to get my eno, I head outside and string it up. As expected, the sun shrouds me in the warmth I miss from my husband as my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I'll be home soon. Is Enji's response, making me grin and tuck further into my hammock, now able to more fully focus on the story in my hands.

I make it through two chapters before I yawn in the summer heat. Slipping a bookmark between the pages, I turn on my side and close my eyes. Just a little relaxation and hopefully it'll be time for Enji to head home.

. . . . .

Warmth still blankets me when I open my eyes again, but instead of laying in my hammock, Enji cradles me in his arms. I blink and yawn up at him, noticing his damp hair and blue eyes first and foremost while my dreams skirt the edge of my mind and flutter away.

"I'm sorry you found out this way." I whimper involuntarily, before realizing I've said it and rubbing my eyes to hide my blush.

"I've returned home, Ichan. Did you rest well?" He leans over and kisses my forehead, thankfully dismissing my sleepy outburst.

I relax my arms and shut my eyes again, sighing as peace lightens the sleepiness in my chest.

"It was so nice." I purr, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull my ear closer to his beating heart. "I'm sorry I didn't get dinner ready. I meant to start preparing it before you headed home so it would be ready when you got here."

"No need to apologize, Ichan." He chuckles. "You've got reason to sleep. You've got our child growing in your womb. That takes energy." His hand rubs up and down over my belly.

Awe and happiness flood me again, even though we've been expecting the new addition for a couple months now. I place my hand over his and move in tandem, soaking up the intimate moment. Probably won't get times like this as often when the baby comes.

"I know." I hum. "But I still feel bad."

"Don't. In fact, I'd have let you stay asleep out there longer, but with your sensitivity to heat I was worried you'd get sunburnt."

"Well aren't you a softie?" I giggle.

"Only for you." He smirks, before sitting up a little more against the couch arm. He's quiet for a bit before he speaks up again. "Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"Mm, I don't know. According to my college bio professor, there's a 51% chance it'll be a boy. So the odds are slightly more in his favor." I smile. "Do you have a preference, Enchan?"

"I don't mind so long as they have both of our quirks." He comments.

"Aw, come on. That can't be all you have a preference for. I know your ambitions, but I know you'll love him or her regardless of their quirk."

"Of course I will." He agrees.

"Then, if you could choose, would you rather it be a boy or a girl?"

He's quiet for a while, hand still steadily caressing my belly.

"I'd prefer both for different reasons." He says. "I'd enjoy having a boy that I can relate to and teach things that my dad never got to teach me. And honestly, I hope they have your feisty attitude for a challenge."

"My feisty attitude?" I laugh. "Just mine?"

"Our feisty attitude then." He rolls his eyes, but grins. "And honestly, I would love having a little girl just like you to dote on...remind me what I'm fighting for. What about you?"

"I hope whatever they are, they have your eyes." I state simply. "You might think it's silly or simple, but it's one of my favorite features about you. It captures most of your personality and reminds me of everything I love about you. I want to look at my kids and be reminded that you're mine, and they're the physical evidence of that."

He doesn't say anything, but instead shifts around a bit. When he's finally settled, it's with his head on my belly and his arms wrapped around my waist.


Endnotes: At the end of each chapter/one-shot/story, I will include the dialogue and/or action prompt that I used, as I have compiled a list over the years and use it as a writing exercise.

Dialogue Prompt: (Romantic) 103. "I'm sorry that you found out this way."

Action Prompt: [HAMMOCK] - Enji finds Ichijiku asleep in a hammock.

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