The Tiger Tango [Aizawa] (Angst)

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Ichijiku (Tigress)

My ribs ache as Spinner's foot connects with it. There's a resounding pop and I grit my teeth to keep from screaming. They can't know the extent of my quirk. They know that my quirk is multi-faceted, but they don't know what I can do aside from heal. I'm determined that's how it will stay.

"You're quite stubborn, aren't you?" A familiar voice crackles. I instantly feel the need to clear my throat just listening to it. "No wonder Eraserhead hasn't come to save you, yet. I'd be tired of the bullshit too."

I know what he's trying to do, and it's working. I refuse to retaliate, but I can't deny the psychological blow that he delivers to me. It makes it harder to breathe, and exacerbates the pain rippling through my broken ribs. T̶c̶h̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶.̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶r̶o̶u̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶.̶

"Do you think he's throwing a party?" Shigaraki continues, walking around me slowly as I flop onto my good side and grit my teeth. I hold my injured side and close my eyes as I'm forced to listen to him. "I bet the second you were gone he let out a sigh of relief that he didn't have to deal with you anymore. No need to put up with your damn stubbornness, right? Doesn't that piss you off?"

No. I think. No, that hurts more than it pisses me off.

"Doesn't it just rip you apart? Make you want to get revenge?"

Maybe a part of me...but I could never hurt Shouta. You don't seem to understand that. I open my eyes and look at him with all the compassion my squishy heart can manage. Who hurt you?

Shock colors Shigaraki's face and suddenly his foot connects with my face. I nearly yelp, but grit my teeth and swallow every sound trying to escape. I can't afford to be weak right now.

"DON'T PITY ME!" He growls out, and I realize I've struck a nerve. Interesting. "Where were the heroes at when I was wandering the streets alone, huh?! What good did wanting pity do for me? No. You make me sick." Another kick and my nose throbs. It starts running and I'm pretty sure it's not from allergies. Especially from the rusty smell.

I whimper and wrap my arm around my waist, trying to hold myself together. I inhale sharply as he continues his psychological tirade.

"God, I hope Eraser is at home laughing about all of the times he nearly threw you straight into our laps. That pitiful look really pisses me off; I bet it made him want to beat the shit out of you." Another kick comes but this one is to my shoulder and searing pain ripples through it. My muscles ripple as I withhold a scream. "Though you're not bad looking. That's gotta be the only reason someone as cool as Eraser kept you around. You'd be amazed how much one will put up with for some good sex." Oh, like you'd know, huh, Butterface?

He nearly breaks me. All of these comments are illogical but nonetheless arrows stabbing directly into my heart. Stop it...I know Shouta deserves better but I'm trying my best. A tear threatens to fall down my cheek. No! Don't you do it! You'll give him what he wants!

"Worthless. kick Disgusting! kick Why would he ever want you?! How'd you manage to convince yourself of that, huh?" He suddenly has his hand around my neck, a single finger disconnected from the others. "I bet I could disintegrate you to ash right now and he'd thank me for it." He sneers.

My nose quivers and I stare directly at him. No matter how hard I try, I can't find it in my heart to hate him. Not from the look on his face. Who hurt you? Is that why you hurt others? This isn't how to fix it!

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