(8) Asher

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I had gotten to the camp late, I thought I had given myself enough time to drive myself but I guessed wrong.

When I pulled into the familiar place there were only a couple people walking around. I threw my car into park and hurried out.

It's been a whole year since the last time I was here. I missed the familiar trees and cabins. This year was going to be better than last year, I even asked to get a younger little.

Last year was my first year here, I had discovered the place via an old email. The owner send out emails to whoever he thinks might want to come. It has intrigued me as at the time I was just getting into discovering cgl.

I signed up and answered all of the questions, asking to take care of a little boy with an age range four to six. I thought starting off with an older little would be best for my first time. How wrong was I.

Henry was perfect at first by it then he showed his true colors. He was at the edge of that headspace range, an old six year old pushing for older.

He abused the rule of obeying your little's boundaries. He set impossible ones and would do anything to get what he wanted. He almost got me kicked out of the camp, never allowed to return. I begged with him not to take away the camp from me.

I gave him whatever he wanted, and had to hid it to make sure no one would find out. What was supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable summer turned into a nightmare.

I clear my thoughts before leaving my car, grabbing my bag. I run to the check in table, a familiar face sitting there.

"Ash good to see you showed up."

"Hey Jeromy."

"Name tag, bracelet and key." He doesn't waste time in talking, figuring out I'm in a rush. I grab the items from him. 

"Thank you, we'll catch up later." I say as I leave, setting off into a jog to the cabins. I slap on the name tag as I go and slip on the familiar feeling bracelet. I already know which cabin is mine, it was sent in an email that included my little for the summer and a copy of the rules. 

I had immediately printed out everything and put it in a folder, going over each word multiple times. John, my little sounded like a sweetheart, well as much of a sweetheart you can sound like on paper.

From his answers he sounded like a new little but I was beyond ready to help guide him into little space.

When I reach the cabin I quickly unlock it and then pocket the keys. I open my bag and throw the clothes in drawers, not caring at the moment if they unfold. I check the time from the clock on the bedside table and see I have only a couple of minutes until the speech should be over. The first day happens on a strict timeline and I was about it be late to meeting my little.

With all of my clothes tossed in drawers I run back out of the cabin and towards the mess hall.

"Phone!" Jeromy shouts at me as I jog up, I had completely forgot about turning in electronics because I was in a rush. He holds out a bucket and I quickly shut off my phone and put it on silent before tossing it in with the rest of the phones.

"See you at dinner." I say before speed walking into the mess hall. People are walking around and chatter fills the space. I'm assuming I missed the speech, oh well, it couldn't have been much different from the one from last year.

I push past caregivers and littles getting to know one another, as well as switches already walking out of the mess hall. Switches are people that could go from a little headspace to a caregiver one. They were mostly paired up with each other and they definitely got a little freaky with other things they could partake in. The camp gives you mostly anything you ask for, and they used that to play out multiple fantasies. This is a nonjudgmental place though and I don't care what other people do, to each their own.

I make my way to the little tables and when I pass the L 4-6 table I make sure to avoid looking at them at all. It would be the worst first day if I see Henry.

When I get to the L 1-3 table I scan who's gonna sitting in the seats. There aren't that many littles left sitting on their own. A few of them had caregivers sitting next to them as they talk. Only two match the description I was given, blond hair and a boy. It also said brown eyes but I can't see their eye color from here.

I decide to go up to the closest boy to me.

"Are you John?" I ask the young boy, he looks up to me with sparking blue eyes and shakes his head.

"Okay, thank you." I say softly to the boy. I go up to the other blond a couple feet down. He looks nervous as his head moves around, scanning the busy area, and his fingers fidget with his shirt.

"Are you John?" I ask the same question again, the boy turns towards me and I am happy to see brown colored eyes. He stares almost starstruck as he looks at me.

"Y-yes." He stutters and I want to coo at his cuteness as a blush comes over his cheeks.

"In Asher, you can call me Ash for short." I introduce myself as I sit down.

"I'm John."

"I know." Silly boy, I just asked if his name was John.

"Anyway here's your folder so you know I'm actually your roommate and not some random person." It has happened before that littles have been lied to about who their caregiver is, that's why we're told to print out the information given to us.

I watch as he looks through the folder, surprise clear on his face.

"Why don't I get a folder of you?" He asks as he pushes the folder back towards me.

"That's not how it works baby boy." I say with a shrug. The little doesn't really need to know all that much about us, not as much as we need to know about them so we know how to help them regress or take care of them when their in their headspace.

"I'm not a baby. Don't call me that." John huffs and despite him being a little upset with my nicknames he only looks cuter.

"Whatever you say little one." He is trying to act older than he is, he must not be comfortable in his headspace yet. I'll fix that so he can relax and enjoy the summer like he paid to do.

"Now you know I'm not some weird stranger, let's go to our cabin and you can unpack." I say as I stand up and grab the duffle bag that was at his feet. I would like to get settled in a little bit and get out of this crowded area before it's time for dinner.

I grab hold of John's hand and he doesn't take long to stand up to follow me. Immediately I notice a bulge at his crotch along with a sagging. I guess a diaper change is in order when we get to the cabin

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