luce discovers the truth

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luce and tim aren't tgt at this point but both of them clearly have feelings for each other
they're really good friends
luce, tim, ang, wesley, bayley, john, cel, aaron r out tgt (in a bar)
*lucy is a little big drunk but tim doesn't drink*
*she almost falls down but tim catches her*
‚thanks tim' l
‚no problem i'm gonna get u smth to drink' t
‚yes but plssss a cocktail or smth like that' l
*t goes to the bartender and comes back with a glass of water*
‚nooo i don't want to drink water' l
‚it isn't water it's a special cocktail for u' t
‚oh really' l (she believes him)
after that he brings her home

the next day in front of the station
‚good morning ... wait why r u smiling' ang
‚good morning' t
‚timothy why r u smiling' a
‚am i not allowed to smile' t
‚ofc u r but you never smile ... this has smth to do with lucy doesn't it' a
‚noooo it doesn't why would it' t
‚timothyyy first you smile and second you can't lie to me because i always find out the truth' a
‚okok fine yes it's abt her' t
‚so' a
‚what' t
‚common tim tell me abt it nowwwww' a
‚but u won't tell anyone right' t
‚ofc not and now i rlly want to know it' a
‚okok fine idk how to say this but she's so pretty and she's just amazing' t
‚oh how sweet' a
*his face is clearly red when suddenly lucy goes to them*
‚good morning' l
‚good morning lucy how r u' a
‚alright but what abt ur face timmy' l
‚nothing abt it it's just hot' t
‚ok i'm gonna go change see you' l
‚bye see you then luce' t
*ang rises an eyebrow*
‚timmy luce huh' a
‚um yeah she started to call me like that and said that she loves it when i call her that' t
‚so she loves it when you give her a nickname anyway see you later timothy' a

after their shift they all go to tims
*lucy and tim sit really close tgt*
‚hey thanks for everything but i we habe to go home now' nyla
‚no problem at all bye' t
‚we'll also go cause jack misses us lucy do you want to come with us we'll drop you off at your apartment' a & w
‚um no thanks i'll just take an uber later' l
‚alright get home safe bye' a
*a little bit later everyone except lucy went home*
‚luce i know you said that you would call an uber but i wouldn't mind if u would stay overnight' t
‚but i don't want to be a burden to u' l
‚you aren't and actually i'm more comfortable with you being here so i know you're safe' t
‚then i'm going to stay but i don't have any clothes with me' l
‚just pick smth from my closet' t
*she goes and then comes out with his hoodie on*
‚i have to admit that it looks much better on you' t
*she blushes a little*
‚so where do i sleep' l
‚i can make the couch comfortable for u but you can also sleep with me in my bed if you're comfortable with that' t
‚yes but only because then you don't have to make the sofa for me' l
*they both laugh because they know that they just want to be around each other*

the next morning
*tim wakes up and sees lucy in his arms, he takes his phone to call angela*
‚good morning i hope this is worth it to wake me up' a
‚um lucy might have stayed at mine last night' t
‚yessss yessss finally so tell me everything' a
‚she is sleeping but in my arms' t
‚timothy finally so did you kiss' a
‚no we didn't i don't even know if she feels the same way i do' t
‚ofc she does or would she sleep in your bed in your arms if she wouldn't have feelings' a
*lucy wakes up but stays still so he doesn't notice she's awake*
~in lucys mind~
‚he is so sweet and ang sounds like she loves it that tim tells her abt me or more us, but idk how to tell him that i have feelings for him too'
~back to tim~
‚anyway i'm gonna hang up bye ang' t
‚bye and good luck i hope you'll get a kiss' a
‚angg bye' t
*they both hang up and lucy pretends to wake up*
‚good morning luce' t
‚good morning' l
‚how are you' t
‚good and you' l
‚also good do you want breakfast' t
‚yes plss but can i take a shower' l
‚ofc i'll be in the kitchen r pancakes good' t
‚yes yes thankyou can i take smth from your closet to wear' l
‚sure just take whatever you want' t
after she finishes her shower and comes out of the bedroom
*lucy wears a new hoodie but it says bradford on the back*
good i just finished breakfast ... wow the hoodie looks amazing on you' t
thank you let's eat' l
*they both go outside to eat and snuggle tgt because it's really cold*
do u know what i wanted to do for weeks' l
no what' t
*she gives him a kiss and he immediately responds and kisses her back*
you know i also wanted to do that' t
ofc you're such a softie' l
oh i'm not' t
yes you are' l
*tim kisses her again really long*
‚i love you lucy chen' t
‚i love you too timothy bradford' l

i hope you liked it and had fun reading it🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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