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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: imdeffgayyyy


¬ "What happened?!"
¬ Won't stop fretting over you until you tell him what happened
¬ He holds back a laugh when you tell him your bruises are from falling down the stairs
¬ Though he finds it a little funny, he's still worried for you makes sure you're okay
¬ "Be more careful next time, okay?"


¬ "Who did this to you?"
¬ He's not convinced when you tell him your scratches are from your cat, but he doesn't pry any further
¬ He tries his best to help clean your cuts
¬ In the end you have to do it yourself, since he isn't the best at first aid
¬ "Just know that if someone does hurt you, I'll beat them to a pulp."


¬ "Princess, what happened to you?"
¬ You don't want to tell him the giant bruise on the side of your head is from walking into a door, which worries him a lot
¬ Won't stop asking how you got hurt until you tell him
¬ Finds it a little funny but is still concerned
¬ "Try not to walk into any more doors."


¬ "I want names."
¬ It takes far too long to convince him it was from your nails, not someone else's
¬ He still doesn't believe that you cut yourself from scratching an itch, but you can't do much else
¬ Keeps an eye over you for a while just in case
¬ "You can't cut yourself from scratching your arm. All you have to do is tell me who did it and I'll teach them a lesson."


¬ "Sweetheart! How did this happen?!"
¬ Immediately sits you down to clean the wound on the side of your head
¬ Won't stop asking if you're okay, even once the blood is cleaned to reveal a small cut
¬ Less worried once he realises it's not as bad as it looks, and it was because you'd walked into a branch, rather than someone hurting you
¬ "Please look where you're going in future, sweetheart."


¬ "Are you okay? Who hurt you? What happened?!"
¬ You only have a small bruise on your knee from tripping over a book in your room, but he's beyond worried
¬ Since he doesn't really know how to help, he just sits by you and rubs your knee
¬ Every now and then he'll kiss it, just to make sure you're okay
¬ "Does it still hurt? Was it my book?! Sorry, I'll try not leave my stuff lying around."

「 𝐆𝐖𝐄𝐍 」

¬ "What the hell happened to you?"
¬ She isn't surprised to find out you cut your knee open from tripping over your laces
¬ She kneels beside you and cleans out the cut before patching it up with a band aid
¬ You're only a little embarrassed when she insists she'll have to tie your laces for you from now on
¬ "It's not my fault you're such a klutz."


¬ "Oh my God, pumpkin, what happened?"
¬ Super worried when she sees all the blood on your hand and takes you straight to the bathroom to clean it
¬ You're both relieved when all the blood is washed away, since it only turns out to be a paper cut
¬ Regardless, she patches it up and kisses it better
¬ "Maybe you should stay with me for now. You can finish your homework later."

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