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No one's POV:

As the night unfolded, the hotel's residents continued with their routines, blissfully unaware of the intimate tableau that had transpired within the radio tower. Charlie and Vaggie exchanged knowing glances, sensing a change in the air. Angel Dust, always attuned to the dynamics of relationships, winked at them with a playful smirk. Husk, emerging from his room with a half-empty bottle, mumbled, "Wonder what's going on in that fucking tower."

The following morning, Alastor awoke with a faint groan, finding himself nestled against the couch in his radio tower. Memories of the previous night slowly seeped into his consciousness. He glanced around, realizing the presence of someone missing. Lucifer was nowhere to be seen. Alastor's mind whirred as he processed the events, the taste of Lucifer's blood lingering on his senses.

Meanwhile, Lucifer, ever the composed ruler of Hell, strolled into the hotel's lobby with an air of nonchalance. The others greeted him as usual, unaware of the subtle shift in the dynamics between the King of Hell and the radio demon. Charlie approached him, curiosity shining in her eyes. "Dad, how was your night at Alastor's tower?"

Lucifer smirked, "Oh, you know, just the usual, Char-Char! Talks, and you know... Friends things" Charlie squinted her eyes, unconvinced by her father's speech. As Lucifer took a seat, he couldn't shake the lingering thoughts from the night before. The kiss, the tenderness, the vulnerability - they all swirled in his mind like a tempest.
Later that day, rumors began to circulate among the residents of the Hotel. Whispers of an unexpected closeness between Lucifer and Alastor floated through the air like mischievous spirits. Charlie and Vaggie exchanged puzzled glances, Angel, who already knew about the king's feelings, couldn't resist spreading a few well-placed rumors, and even Husk couldn't help but be intrigued by the potential drama unfolding.
Sensing the growing buzz, the spider made his way to the lobby, where he found Charlie and Vaggie deep in conversation. "Hey, lovebirds, have you heard the latest juicy gossip?" he teased, his eyes glinting mischievously. Charlie sighed, "What now, Angel?"
He leaned in, lowering his voice dramatically. "Word on the street is that Lucifer and Alastor had a little rendezvous last night. Somethin' steamy is cooking between them~"

Vaggie raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Really? That's unexpected."
As the news spread, even Husk, who usually remained aloof from such matters, found himself caught up in the intrigue. "Well, free entertainment, I guess." he remarked with a smirk.
Amidst the gossip, Angel couldn't help but notice Charlie's concerned expression. Sensing her unease, he nudged her gently. "You might want to talk to your old man 'bout this, Charlie. You know, there's more in this story that you may wanna know"

A few hours later:

Later that evening, with a hesitant resolve, Charlie found herself knocking on the door of Lucifer's office. It was time to have a good talk with her father about his relationship with the other demon.
Lucifer looked up from his paperwork, a hint of surprise crossing his face at Charlie's unexpected visit. "Applepie! What brings you here?" he greeted, masking any traces of the tumultuous thoughts that lingered in his mind. Charlie hesitated for a moment before taking a seat across from her father. "Dad, there's something going on, and I can't help but notice a change in you. Rumors are spreading, and, well, I just want to make sure everything is okay..."

Lucifer leaned back, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Ah, the rumor mill in Hell never ceases to amuse, am i right? Don't pay too much attention to it, sweetheart. It's just the usual theatrics!" Charlie frowned, not entirely convinced by her father's dismissive response. "Dad, I know you. Something happened, and I want you to talk to me about it. You don't have to pretend everything's fine!"

Lucifer sighed, realizing that his daughter could see through his soul. "Very well, my dear. There was a... moment with Alastor. I don't know, it was... Something, definitely." Charlie leaned in, concern etched across her features. "What kind of moment, Dad? And why does it seem like it's bothering you so much?"
Lucifer hesitated, his usually confident demeanor faltering for a brief moment. "It was a moment of vulnerability, Charlie. Something unexpected. Alastor made me feel something strange. It's left me questioning certain aspects of our relationship... I haven't felt like this since your mother"

Charlie nodded, understanding the weight of her father's words. "Dad, you don't have to navigate this alone. Talk to Alastor, share your feelings. Maybe it's a chance for both of you to grow and understand each other better! Even if don't, I'm here for you, ok?"
Lucifer shrugged, acknowledging Charlie's concern. "Well, sweetheart, maybe it I'd time for a heart-to-heart with Alastor. I can do this, right?" "Yeah!" "Yeah". He chuckled, petting his daughter's back for a moment.

"Good Luck, dad. Good night and sleep well!" She smiled, leaving Lucifer there, with a lot of thoughts and feelings in his mind. 'Maybe he feels the same way'. He tough, laying on his bed, falling asleep in some minutes.

Author's notes:

WAAA, yeah, you know the thing when you are planning something? This is i, me is planning something for the next chapters 💐☝

Hihi, hope you enjoyed it! I'll post more tomorrow 🤭🤭 (or today, idk)

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