4. Viscount Wulfric

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The wooden door swung open, revealing a scene that Roy could not have anticipated. He stepped into a bustling tavern, the air filled with the lively chatter of patrons, the clinking of mugs, and the melodic tunes of a bard in the corner. It was a stark contrast to the serene landscape he had just left behind. The contrast was so great that Roy stayed rooted on the spot for some time.

Roy's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of peculiarly dressed people, otherworldly architecture, and the overall vibrancy of the place. James, seemingly unfazed, greeted a few familiar faces in the tavern before turning to Roy.

"Come on, Sir Fortis. We need to hurry," James urged, gesturing toward the door to the exit. "The Viscount is waiting." There was a sense of urgency on James's face.

Roy followed James; his senses overwhelmed by the foreign atmosphere. As they stepped out onto the cobbled streets, Roy's gaze darted around, taking in the unique blend of medieval and fantastical elements. The sight of a carriage, adorned with intricate designs and pulled by majestic creatures unfamiliar to Roy, caught his attention. The creatures looked like a mix of a horse and a bull with the head of bull and the body of a horse, while following James Roy noticed the two tails on the back of these unknown creatures.

"Get on," James instructed as he opened the carriage door. Roy hesitated for a moment, then climbed inside. James joined him, and the carriage set off through the bustling streets. Both men remained silent; James lost in deep thought, while Roy continued to marvel at the unusual surroundings.

Roy had to admit he was both excited and scared by this unfamiliar place he found himself in. Excited because of the scenes that seemed to come out of a novel and scared by the fact about how unfamiliar this place is to him.

The journey was surreal, the carriage moving through streets lined with buildings that seemed to defy the architectural norms of Roy's world. Roy was absolutely fascinated by the architecture which looked like a mix of medieval and fantasy elements. It was a city alive with magic and mystery.

After a while, the carriage slowed to a stop in front of an imposing mansion. The mansion was surrounded by well-maintained gardens and tall iron fences. Roy's eyes widened as he took in the grandeur of the building. James and Roy disembarked, and James signaled to a soldier standing guard.

"Take Sir Fortis to the Viscount. I'll join you later," James commanded.

The guard nodded, and Roy followed him into the mansion. As they walked through opulent halls, Roy couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and confusion. Overhead, a series of crystal chandeliers hung at regular intervals, casting a gentle radiance that illuminated the hallway's architectural splendor. The guard led him to a guest hall. The guest hall was furnished with plush velvet sofas and elegant armchairs where maids promptly poured him a cup of tea. At the corner of the hall was an intricately designed fireplace its crackling fire providing comforting warmth to Roy.

Meanwhile, James remained outside, exchanging hushed words with another guard. There was an air of seriousness in their conversation as James looked back at the mansion before turning away.

Back inside, Roy was left to his thoughts as he sipped the tea. He was anxious and his anxiety was increasing by each passing moment. His head was in a mess as he keeps thinking about this seemingly surreal place that he woke up to.

Just as Roy was getting lost in his thoughts, the door to the guest hall swung open. Startled, Roy looked up to see a bald, muscular middle-aged man with a brown mustache and beard, exuding an air of nobility and self-confidence entered the hall imposingly. He nodded gently to Roy and took a seat opposite to him.

"Sir Fortis, I presume," the man said with a warm smile. "I am Viscount Wulfric. Welcome to my home."

Roy noticed the familiar bronze pendant on his neck, by now Roy roughly knew the function of the pendant so he was not surprised by it.

Roy stood and bowed slightly, his mind still reeling from the surreal experiences of the day. "Thank you, Viscount. I appreciate the welcome."

As they settled into a conversation, exchanging pleasantries, Roy's gaze lingered on the Viscount. The realization struck him – James and the Viscount shared the same last name. Curiosity nagged at Roy, and he couldn't resist asking, "Viscount, is James by any chance related to you?"

The Viscount chuckled heartily, "Ah, you noticed. Yes, James is my brother."

Roy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He took another sip of the tea, trying to process the information.

As the conversation flowed, the Viscount leaned back, taking a contemplative sip from his own cup. "Sir Fortis, I assume you have already guessed the use of the pendant I am wearing. It is used for communicating through our thoughts. Quite a handy little thing "

Even though Roy already guessed it his eyes still widened at the revelation. "Communicating through our thoughts? How?"

The Viscount leaned forward, his gaze intense. "You have unknowingly crossed realms Sir Fortis. There are many things present here that may exceed your wildest imaginations.

The Viscount unperturbed by Roy's shocked face continued "There are many such individuals discovered in our world, and the higher-ups keep this information a secret from the common people. It is a delicate matter, one that requires careful handling."

Roy just sat there with a pale face as he tries to digest the information provided by the Viscount. He thought even if the was far away from home at least he will be able to get back, but the revelation that this place was not even Earth shocked Roy to the core.

Roy's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and questions. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, yet the mystery seemed to deepen. The Viscount's revelation had opened a door to a world of possibilities, and Roy felt a mixture of fascination and trepidation.

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