7. Lud Salen & Krom Harhead

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*Knock* *Knock*

The sun's rays shone through the window illuminating the room Roy was sleeping in giving it a golden glow.

Hearing the knocking on the door. Roy slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He slept like a log the other night, which honestly surprised him as he didn't think he would be able to even get a wink of sleep in this unknown place.

Roy quickly got out of bed and opened the door, seeing Martha's attendant standing there with a grumpy look on his face.

"Miss Martha has called you for breakfast, I will wait for you to get ready Sir. Even though the attendant was impatient as he didn't understand why he had to go and wake this guy up he still spoke politely to Roy.

"Wait a moment, I will get ready as soon as possible" With that Roy closed the door and quickly freshened up.

'That guy looked like I owe a debt to him' Chuckling to himself, Roy got ready and followed the attendant to the same office he was in last night.

Roy entered the seemingly old-fashioned office and saw Martha waiting for him calmly with her trademark smile on her face at the head of the table filled with food.

Yes, Roy concluded that she always has the same smile on her face.

"Good Morning, Martha"

"Good Morning. Roy. It seems you had a good sleep last night."

"Yeah, even I am surprised how I am able to sleep so tightly here."

'Of course, you will be able to sleep well. If I hadn't secretly casted [Mind Rest] on you, you would've greeted me with dark circles under your eyes' Martha thought to herself. Martha has casted a simple spell to ensure that Roy will have a good night here and by looking at his refreshed face it looked like her efforts were not in vain.

"I was waiting for you to eat breakfast together. Hurry up and sit down, there will be a knight from the Viscount's mansion coming to get you later so finish your food fast." Said Martha as Roy sat down in front of her and start eating. After they finished their breakfast.

*Knock* *Knock*

The same attendant that Roy met in the morning peered inside the room and said.

"Miss, the knight from the mansion is here."

Martha looked at Roy and nodded.

"Come on, be on your way now lad."

"See you later, Martha" Roy then proceeded to follow the attendant to another room, where he discovered a firmly positioned knight donning steel armor. He bowed as soon as he spotted Roy.

"Good Morning, Sir. I have come to get you on the orders of Sir Viscount. Are you ready to depart sir?" The Knight addressed Roy politely.

'Why is he talking like that? At first I thought that's how people here speak but Martha was different so that shouldn't be the case. Maybe the people from Viscount's Mansion are all weird.'

Roy thought in his head and labelled all the people from the Viscount's mansion as weird. He didn't know it yet but all the nobles speak to each other this way, even the common people have to speak this way while talking to them. It's more of a tradition than a compulsion. It also sets apart nobles from other people and at the same time satisfies their vanity about being superior to commoners.

The Knight and the attendant both saw Roy getting invited by the Viscount in the sanctuary yesterday, so they subconsciously thought of him as a noble from another city. Hence, the formal speech from the Knight.

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