6. Aavinisia

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Roy trailed after the maid, admiring the Viscount mansion's grandeur. The inside of the house filled him with wonder once more.

"It looks like you have finished your discussion with the Viscount." The familiar, icy voice reverberated down the corridors. Roy was startled and turned to see James approaching. He paused just in front of Roy, the maid. The maid winced and quickly bowed in James's direction to show her respect.

Yes, he did bring up our meeting, which I had with Miss Martha. Sir James, did you tell him? " Roy inquired, his eyes glimmering with curiosity. He remembered that he had told no one about his meeting with Martha to Jonan; only James, Roy, and Martha were aware of his meeting with Martha . James maintained his neutral demeanor, acting as though nothing could possibly bother him. And he answered in that same cold tone.

"You may not know this, but I am the commander of the knight order of the Wulfric family, and it is my duty to report everything to my liege, even if it's irrelevant."

"But he is also your brother, right?" Roy couldn't contain his curiosity and asked him again.

"I know how to differentiate between familial ties and my obligation as a commander of the Wulfric's family knight order." With a look at Roy, James answered.

"I apologize if I said something to offend you," Roy answered hesitatingly. He didn't know if he heard right, but it seemed James tone of voice was a little agitated. Roy wondered if it was his imagination, but he thought it would be better to apologize to James, as he didn't want James to think poorly of him. He berated himself inside and promised himself to keep his curiosity in check.

"It appears that I became a bit irritated; I displayed an unsightly attitude. I'm sorry, Sir Fortis. James's eyes relaxed slightly, but only with great focus was it discernible. Although Roy was blind to it as well, he thought James's apology was real. Before he could respond, James went on.

"We can't keep Miss Pelfrey waiting; let's be on our way." James turned quickly and set out on foot. Roy began to follow him. Before long, Roy was standing outside the mansion, gazing at the identical carriage that had carried him here. He marveled at the strange animals towing the carriage.

'Fascinating' Even now, Roy couldn't believe it. He, who was an ordinary student, unknowingly ended up in this strange place. Things such as this animal in front of him force Roy to accept reality. He looked up to see two moons like the pupils of an ancient beast glaring down on him, one shining crimson red and the other luminescent blue, which once again reaffirmed Roy's belief that he is in another world completely different from his own.


"Is something the matter, Sir Fortis?" James asked as he saw Roy staring blankly at the moon. He looked at Roy with a scrutinizing gaze. Jonan told him where Roy came from, so he more or less knew about his circumstances. Even though James had heard about such humans from his brother, it was his first time seeing one in person, which also explains why his brother would take a sudden interest in a stranger.

Roy averted his eyes and ascended the carriage, saying, "No, it's nothing." James walked behind him, and the carriage quickly departed. Roy became caught in the beauty of the city as he gazed at the passing streets. Even though it was evening, the roads were busy, and the people were glowingly happy as they went about their own ways. Roy turned his head to follow the sound of music that was reaching his ears and saw that one location was busier than the others. In the middle of them all was a group of five people playing what appeared to be violin-like instruments while donning long black coats that covered their entire bodies.

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