II. Those Eyes

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   The locker slammed shut and Harry was standing there with a smirk on his face, Y/n rolled his eyes, "What now, Harry?" Y/n sighed. He heard Harry's confident hum as he pushed off the locker and held Y/n's shoulder with his arm slung over them.
   "Nothing, geez, you always think I need you for something," Harry chuckled, his tone laced with amusement. Y/n shot him a skeptical look, his expression unamused as he shrugged off Harry's arm.
"Because that's what you usually use me for," he retorted, his voice tinged with irritation at Harry's tiring jokes. Harry's eyes darted around the crowded hallway, scanning the faces of passing students with a few short glances.
   "Nope. He's probably late to school again," Harry replied with a resigned sigh. Y/n rolled his eyes, a sense of unease settling in his stomach as he thought about Peter's recent behavior. It had been a few months since the science exhibit, but Peter hadn't been the same since then.

   As they continued down the hallway, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Peter's absence from their trio felt conspicuous, especially considering how close they had all been.
   "He's always late, remember when he had perfect attendance?" Y/n chuckled, trying to ease the mood as they approached a classroom. Harry snickered in agreement, but the worry in Y/n's mind remained on Peter's absence.

   The two boys entered the classroom, seeing the blond-haired boy laughing while sitting on Peter's vacant desk. His arms crossed as he spoke with a few of his friends, Harry chuckled as he looked at Y/n glaring at him.
   "Looks like Flash still doesn't remember which desk is his," Harry smirked.
"I'm starting to think he has some memory issues," Y/n muttered, as a few girls walked by them and entered the class, Y/n's attention remained fixed on Flash. 

   It wasn't just that Flash often got on his nerves; it was the way Flash relentlessly taunted Peter that got under Y/n's skin. Whenever Flash targeted Peter, Y/n would instinctively step in to defend him.
   Their verbal clashes in the hallways were legendary among the students, who eagerly watched the showdowns between the two alpha males. While Flash reigned supreme as the top quarterback of the school's football team, Y/n held his own as the star player of the basketball team. 

   Their rivalry was detectable, with others in the school often guessing and betting on who would arise victorious if the two ever came to a physical fight. There were moments when Flash and Y/n almost got into a physical altercation, but it died down due to either Peter and Harry talking Y/n down or a teacher passing by.
   Like two dogs at each other's throats, all they needed was for the leashes to be dropped for them to go at it once and for all. Y/n was tempted to fight him at any given moment, all he needed was the say so.

   Y/n swallowed his urge to shove the Flash off the desk and instead walked to his own, sitting behind Harry and on the right side of Peter's empty desk. Harry swiveled around in his seat to address Y/n, his voice lowered to a whisper.
   "Have you seen Liz lately?" He inquired, a playful glint in his eye.
Y/n raised an eyebrow in response. "Liz? You mean Elizabeth Allan, right?" He asked, knowing full well who Harry was speaking about.
"Yeah, her," Harry assured with a chuckle. "So, have you seen her around?"

   Y/n couldn't resist a smirk. "Oh, yeah," he replied.
"Really?" Harry whispered eagerly.
"Nope," he admitted, unable to contain his amusement at Harry's hopeful expression crashing into a frown. Harry rolled his eyes, "Shouldn't you be focusing on grades?"
"Shouldn't you be focusing on finding your master?" Harry chuckled. 
"Peter is my friend, not my boss." Y/n scoffed.

   Peter and Y/n knew Harry was always teasing everyone, albeit he was smart just mischievous when it came to serious things. Y/n did focus on Peter's absence, this was the fourth time this week that he's been late. 
   Y/n could only wait until he's speaking with Peter again, he'll ask him what's going on. However, for the moment, Y/n had to grit his teeth and endure Flash's incessant chatter about the upcoming football game against a rival high school. 

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