IV. This Voice

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   Gwen's grip pulled on Y/n's shirt, her innocent eyes wide with wonder; Felicia let out a small scoff, her eyes flicking between Flash and Y/n. His focus remained the same, his stance firm as he watched Flash with a cool determination.
   Handing his ice cream to Harry, he gently set Gwen on her feet, ensuring she was safe beside his friend. "Flash, don't do anything you'll regret right now," Y/n's voice was calm yet authoritative, his words carrying a warning beneath their surface. "If you want to talk, we'll have a nice chat outside in the alley. Sound fair?"

   Flash's scoff echoed through the parlor, his anger boiling beneath the surface as he glared at Y/n. "I'm here for that bastard," Flash hissed as he clenched his fists.
Y/n's eyes darkened at Flash's choice of words, a low growl rumbling in his throat as he stepped closer, his gaze piercing.
   "You oughta watch your mouth when you're around her. . ." His words were a quiet threat, his eyes glancing at Gwen, who held onto Harry's hand, wanting to spare her innocent eyes from a possible violent brawlout. 

   "And do you think I'd just give up my friend to someone like you?" Y/n's tone was laced with a challenge, daring Flash to make a move. Flash scowled and glared at Harry who was slightly grinning as Gwen stared back at Flash.
   Y/n stared at Flash, he clenched his fists and scoffed. He backed up and a few friends remained outside waiting, cracking their knuckles with shared anger. "You're dead, Osborn." He snarled before turning around and heading to the door.

   "You're mean!" Gwen yelled, her small voice filled with bravery and a childlike mind. Before anyone could react, Gwen, driven by a wave of anger, took her ice cream cone and threw it with all the power her six-year-old arm could muster.
   The chocolate ice cream made a perfect arch in the air before landing squarely on the back of Flash's neck, splattering down his new letterman jacket in a completely sticky mess. Flash spun around, his face twisted in shock and anger, the ice cream dripping down his neck and staining his prized jacket. 

   Y/n couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement at Flash's predicament. A grin spread across Y/n's face, not just at the sight of the ice cream-covered bully but at the sheer audacity of Gwen's act of impulsiveness.
   "Are you really about to fight with a six-year-old girl?" Y/n smirked, his question laced with doubt and a hint of challenge. The underlying message was clear, no matter how tough Flash tried to appear, getting angry or upset over a child's actions would only taint his reputation even more. 

   Flash's departure from the ice cream parlor was anything but elegant. His scowl was a thunderstorm on his face, dark and looming, as he pushed through the door with unnecessary force. His friends, a crew of disgruntlement and steaming anger, trailed behind him.
   The door swung shut behind them, it echoed through the suddenly quiet space of the parlor. Harry let out a chuckle, a sound of genuine appreciation mingled with the remains of his adrenaline-fueled fear.

   "Ah, thanks, man," he smiled. Y/n, however, was not in the mood to let Harry off so easily. With a roll of his eyes that showed his frustration which made him turn to face Harry. He watched, somewhat annoyed, as Harry took a bite of his ice cream, a small reward for the trouble he had just weaseled himself out of.
   Without warning, Y/n's hand shot out, landing a firm punch on Harry's right arm.
"OW-!" Harry yelped, more startled than injured, the ice cream cone nearly slipping from his grasp.

   "That's two favors you owe me now," Y/n scoffed, his tone half-joking but overlaid with a serious reminder of the risks not only Harry had just faced, but also Gwen and Felicia. Gwen, always watchful and not wanting to be left out of anything involving Y/n, walked to him.
   She tugged gently on his sleeve, her silent request for attention from him. Y/n, his protective instincts always at the forefront when it came to Gwen, bent down and picked her up, placing her comfortably on his hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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