6 - Leaving?

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My clothes were still damp when I woke up and decided to get dressed. I peered over at the dragon, wondering if his breath could dry them for me - but decided not to ask. I didn't want him to accidentally burn them to ashes. I moved around in my room when I heard a knock on my door, and my thoughts instantly got thrown back to last night when that poor girl had offered herself to me. I wondered if she had been forced to do it.

"Who's there?" I called out as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Take a guess," a baritone voice muttered from the other side, and I felt relieved knowing it was my dwarven friend. I instantly unlocked the door and met his frowning face, "expected someone prettier?" he asked with a smirk.

I sighed and beckoned him inside. "Did you get a visitor as well?"

"No, but the walls are thin laddie, I heard her offer," he said, "and don't worry, I took the liberty to explain to the poor lass that you don't fancy girls. She looked quite hurt this morning."

I closed my eyes and sighed loudly, "you did what?"

"Don't worry Illon, no one cares," he said and looked around my room. "Ready to leave? I packed some breakfast to go and our rooms are already paid for."

I raised an eyebrow and peered at him, "what's the rush?"

I watched Tom rub the back of his head and I noticed how he lowered his voice before he continued, "I think they're going to ask us to stay a while, and I know you," he continued narrowing his eyes as they pierced through mine, "you're gonna have a hard time saying no."

"But you won't," I said and winked at him before I turned to pack my few belongings into my backpack and motioned for Fank to jump inside. I watched the tiny dragon lay down on top of my stuff before I closed it. "Let's go then, grab the bull by its horns so to speak."

"Or just sneak out when no one notices," he gruffed behind me.

I chuckled as I opened the door, "suddenly you've grown a conscious Tom?"

The hallway was empty, but I could hear noises from down stairs. The sound of feet, cutlery against plates and several dull voices. I had slept through breakfast and realised it was already lunchtime.

As we entered the open area of the tavern most voices stopped to have a look at the two foreigners. The Innkeeper gave me a nod and I offered him a quick smile. "Had a good night's rest, sir?" He asked as he arranged a variety of mugs on the counter.

"I did, thank you," I answered as I peered down at Tom.

"You're both welcome here, any time," the innkeeper continued and I gave him another smile, but decided it was time to leave. Something in the room was off.

"Let's go lad," Tom muttered and we moved quickly towards the door.

Outside we were met by a bright light, the sun was high in the sky and it was a great contrast to the dimly lit tavern. I shielded my eyes with my arm and peered around at the many villagers who were going about their day. A few stopped to look at us, but most of them ignored us.

I was just about to let out a sigh of relief when heavy steps approached us from my right. "Already leaving?" a voice chuckled.

I held my breath as I turned to look at the newcomer, but instantly recognised him as one of the guards from yesterday.

"You already know, we're just passing through," I answered him politely.

"And where are you heading?" he continued.

My eyes glanced over the tall figure, his casual clothes told me he wasn't on duty right now. The brown leather pants and the linen shirt hugged his body perfectly and I couldn't help but admire him briefly. Sadly he noticed. I watched a knowing smile spread on his face, showing off the short tusks in his lower jaw.

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