7 - Who are you?

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Frank moved from Canan's head to my shoulder eventually

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Frank moved from Canan's head to my shoulder eventually. Our new companion walked in silence while me and Tom chatted about ordinary things for a while, trying to help his mood. But eventually we fell silent as well.

The marsh was behind us, and after the two experiences in two separate villages we had decided to sleep under the stars from now on. In front of us lay a vast landscape of hills and meadows. It was quite lush but not as wet and gloomy as the marsh. Our steps moved easily, even Tom had few things to complain about.

"So where are ya from lad?" he asked Canan eventually, sick of his lack of smalltalk.

"Brooksmith," he answered plainly.

"That's not too far from here, is it?" Tom continued, "ya heading back there to get backup and take tha witch down?"

"No," Canan sighed. "I'm not welcome there, neither are my brothers."

I nodded slightly, giving him a faint smile, "we know the feeling. No need to explain."

"So what's your plan then?" Tom insisted, glaring daggers at the tall man who was walking closer and closer to me. So close his hands brushed against mine now and then.

"Depends on where you two are going," he said and winked at me.

I felt my heart racing slightly, my cheeks warming and I instantly avoided his eyes. "We are heading to Kirmstown."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

I hesitated, could I really trust him? I decided to answer vaguely. "We're looking for someone."

He nodded and asked nothing more. "That's a day's travel from here."

"Ya know tha way?" Tom asked hopefully and got a nod in return. "Good, then you're welcome to join us if you'd like."

As afternoon turned to evening we decided to make camp in a secluded grove. Tom left to look for firewood, asking Frank to join him for company and left me and Canan to have a moment alone. I cursed Tom's name, because he would most certainly know how awkward I felt around Canan.

The half-orcs eyes were plastered on me from the moment Tom left. "Illon, that's a cute name," he began but I instantly cut him off.


"Don't what?" He chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Call you cute?"

"We'll go our separate ways in less than a day," I reminded him.

He chuckled at that and stretched his arms behind his back, flexing his muscles. "So you want something more permanent then? Something more than a one night thing?" he teased and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"That's not what I meant!" I gasped.

I watched in horror as he rose to his feet and moved closer to me, my heart started beating a bit faster as he sat down beside me. "No? Sounds like you want me to stay a bit longer. Getting tired of Tom's whining?"

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