8 - A thief

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Just before daybreak Canan placed a hand on my shoulder and offered to switch places with me. I was thankful, my eyes were burning from lack of sleep all night. That gave me a few hours of rest before we packed our things and began our long walk to the city we hoped the heir resided in.

Our stomachs were complaining, but we had finished the last of our provisions the night before. The weather was nice though and this close to a big town there were proper roads to walk on. There were even people passing us, both on foot and with horses and carriages. It was nice for a change, it felt like we had left all the craziness of the wilderness behind to enter some form of civilization.

"So, what's your plan, Canan?" Tom asked as the city appeared at the horizon.

"You tell me," he said with a growing grin on his face as his hand catched mine and intertwined our fingers.

Tom peered at me and then back at him, "so you're staying with us eye?"

"Blue Eyes said I could," he answered matter of factly, sounding like a young child. Which clearly was the point.

"Don't worry Tom," I snickered as I tried to remove my hand from his, "he'll get tired of us eventually."

My words didn't have the effect I was hoping for, instead I could feel his hand holding mine a bit tighter. Surprised, I peered up in his face. "Don't diminish yourself like that Illon," he said seriously.

"It was a joke," I said and furrowed my brows. Was it the words or the fact that I didn't want to hold his hand that made him upset? I had no idea. He'd been openly flirting with me from the start, but in reality it had only been little more than a day since we first met. Holding hands in public was moving a bit too fast, wasn't it?

As if he could read my mind he leaned in, "most half-orcs here are servants or slaves," he muttered. "Let me hold your hand Illon, to show them we're equals."

My eyes widened hearing his explanation and learning about his harsh reality. I knew some were considering them halfbreeds, too weak to be orcs but too brutal to be elves — but I had no idea it was that bad. I quickly gave him a smile and squeezed his hand.

"Not sure how this would help, but let's give it a go," I said and was rewarded with a warm smile.

"One of these days you will fall madly in love with me, Illon Goblin slayer," he chuckled, but the title made me cringe and I instantly shot a glance at Tom.

"I didn't say a word," the dwarf snickered.

Canan's eyes looked curiously at us both, but he must have understood that it wasn't a topic I wanted to discuss, and to my relief he let it go.

The city was buzzing with activity in every corner. People of different races going about their day. Tradesmen, entertainers, travellers and townsfolk mixing with animals and stalls.

"The best place to find information would be the pub," Tom said cheerfully as we turned from the crowded Main Street into a smaller one.

"There's one a few blocks away," Canan instructed, but I could sense his tension immediately.

"Why don't you go alone Tom, and we'll keep walking the streets and listen to the gossip," I offered. "People tend to talk less when I'm around you anyways."

My dwarven friend gave me a firm nod. I'd gotten to know him well over the years, he was sensitive to moods and he had surely picked up on Canan's reluctant attitude to enter the pub as well. "Watch yer back," he said before stomping off down the street.

I watched him leave before turning to look at Canan. He looked restless, weighing back and forth on his feet. "Care to tell me what's going on?" I asked gently, still holding his hand.

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