Chapter 7 -Linh

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I hated Tam. I guess I shouldn't say that. I do love him, but I also hate him for what he made me do.

"Hey." He said when I came back over.

I just sat down and glared at my apple, imagining it was Tam's face.

"Linh," he started. I already didn't like where this was going. "You know what-"

"What mom and dad said? I know, but it's not fair! I finally met someone who's genuinely a nice guy, and I probably just ruined any chance of friendship. All because of some stupid rule."

"Linh that rule-" Tan started, but I cut him off.

"Is for my protection?! Yeah, well, maybe for once, I don't need you or anyone's protection!" I yelled, standing up and storming out.

I hated the rule. It basically said,'You got the scholarship, but you shouldn't be going. Declining it would be too much work, so instead, just hide your secret and don't get close to anyone.'

Tam had been way more than mad when I got home last night. I explained to him that Jacobsen was just a stupid jerk anyway, so it didn't matter that I went with him cause he ditched me. Then he asked why I still got home late, and I accidentally told him about Dex.

He had basically told me I had to reject Dex if he ever asked anything and pretend we weren't friends. I hated it. I hated every minute of it. I'd had a minor crush on Dex since I saw him walk in on the first day with Sophie. He was always so sweet to everyone, but I was also well aware of his crush on Biana Vacker. Though I guess that didn't work out.

I sighed, setting my things down at my desk. Of course, it was math class where I sit between Tam and Dex. I quietly got out all my supplies and waited for them to show up. Tam came in first.

"Linh," he said, sitting down. He leaned closer and whispered, "if anyone found out they'd want you dead, okay? That's why we are doing this."

I sighed. He was right. This world of our hated people like me.

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