first day

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It was the first day of college. You'll be lying if you say you weren't shitting bricks right now. Armin knocks on your door and slowly walks in. "You ready?" You nod and grab your bag. "Perfect, Mikasa and Eren are waiting outside already."

The drive to school was awfully peaceful. The sun was beaming and the moon could be seen on the other side, being slightly covered by the clouds. You were shocked to see how beautiful the school looked. It looked vintage and old, something you'll see in fantasy books.

Eren parked his car near a tree and got out. You, Armin and Mikasa follow alongside. "I'll take you to the front office to get your schedule." Armin requested and you applied. The inside of the school was just as beautiful as the outside. The lady at the front desk had these weird looking glasses and her hair in a high ponytail.

"Well hello there pumpkin! What can I do for you?"

"Um.. I'm here to get my schedule..?"

"Ahhh yes of course, what's your name sweetheart?"

"Y/n Valentine." You reply. The lady at the desk searches the drawers for your schedule and hands it to you. "Here you go lovely! If you need any help you can come find me here. If for whatever reason I'm not here, just ask around for me. My names Hanje Zoe."

You smile and nod. "Thank you."

You look over at your schedule and show Armin. He grabs the schedule from your hands and examines it with his. "Cool, we have history together!"

You sigh in relief to at least know you have Armin in one of your classes. You meet up with Mikasa and Eren at the cafeteria. "Y/n! Lemme see your schedule!" Before you can show her, she snatches it from your hands. "We have chemistry together andddddd... You have art with Eren."

Eren bolts his head and as he hears Mikasa's words. He makes eye contact with you but says nothing. He turns away from you and continues to do whatever he's doing on his laptop and adjusts his camera that's around his body.


"After school, you should meet some of our friends!" Mikasa added before getting up and dragging Eren up. They do seem fairly close. Maybe they're a couple. "How does that sound Y/n?" You made eye contact with the one who spoke, Armin. You nod. Mikasa smiles and claps her hands together. "Great! See you in chemistry then."

You walk alongside of Armin since you both have history class together with Mr. Ackerman. You dragged Armin to the back of the class because you were not about sitting in the front, especially on the first day,

A short yet good looking man walks in and sits at his desk. His eye bags were fairly dark and his hair was slightly messy, like he didn't get much sleep. "Good Morning guys. Im Mr. Ackerman. It's a new school year so dont piss me off."  You chuckle and Armin looks at you. He leans over and whispers in your ear. "He's always like this."

The rest of the class was pretty chill, he just went over some stuff but was mostly telling this brunette hair to stop eating so much in his class. Before you could exit the class, Armin grabs your wrist and starts walking towards the girl.

"Hey Sasha, this is my new sister, Y/n." The girl blinks and shoves the food she was eating down her throat. "OMG HIII." Your eyes widen, you did not expect that type of energy. "Hello." You smile and watch her pull out a bag of chips from her back. "Where's Connie and Jean? I want to introduce them to Y/n."

"Mm." Sasha quickly swallows the chips. "Connie woke up late but he'll be here. And Jean is driving him here so they're both gonna be late." Armin nodded. "Okay, tell them to meet us at the park after school."

Sasha nodded and ran off somewhere. The rest of your classes were pretty boring. Chemistry with Mikasa was pretty good. You guys were talking about random things and getting to know each other more. The class you had with Eren was art but he was slumped the whole time as the teacher spoke but you didn't blame him, the class was quiet and energy just wasn't there.

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