sasha and connie

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You were now home and decided to unpack a little bit. Since class started a little later tomorrow, you didn't have to wake up so early. You first decided to hang up your posters because you have a few of them. Your posters contain your favorite artists, spiderman, and sonic, and a few other ones you thought were cool. Growing up, you always got hated on for loving spiderman and sonic but in all honesty, you didn't care. If they didn't like it, that's a problem they can solve on their own.

You grabbed another box that had 'music' written on it. You opened it and saw your record player, CD player, your vinyls and CDs. One thing about you is that you were a sucker for stuff like this. Sure, you could use a speaker but you preferred to use your record player or CD player.

An hour passes and you get a decent amount unpacked and decorated. Armin walks in shortly after and looks around your room. "Definiety suits you." He walks up to the posters and scans each one. "You know who you remind me of?"

"Who?" You question. He eyes you and smirks then looks back at the posters. "Eren." You lift an eyebrow and look at him with your arms crossed. "How so?"

"You guys have similar interests. I recognize some of these artists because I know he listens to them." He points at each poster then points at the spiderman and sonic ones. "He also likes spiderman and sonic. Has a shit ton of collections and stuff."

He looks back at you and smirks. "You guys would be good friends." You fake a smile but make it obvious enough so he knows it's fake. "Don't think he likes me much."

"Why do you think that?" You shrug and sit on the edge of your bed. "He's always looking at me weird but says nothing at all." All you heard was a chuckle out of Armin. "What's funny?"

"Eren's just very observant. I don't think he has a permanent opinion on you because he hasn't figured you out yet."

"Why try to figure me out when you can just get to know me? Wouldn't that be easier?"

"Mm. Yeah but in his case, he likes to study people to know if they truly are worth getting to know because you know, some people like to fake personalities just for people to like them. Eren has already been in this position before and he prefers to not go through it again."

You nod and look down at your fingers. "So you think that he's just studying me before getting to know me?" Armin nods and leans against the wall. His face shows that he's thinking about something you can't figure out. "I don't see any other reason. Don't stress about it, you're a good person so he'll come around eventually."

"You should start heading to bed so you can have enough sleep for tomorrow."

Armin left the room and you laid there wondering if that was really the reason why Eren is so weird with you. You wanted to mention the weird interactions you had with him but getting a headache when he smiled and it disappearing when you guys made eye contact. Or why he looked so familiar when you first saw him. Armin would probably think you're weird or something so you decided to keep it to yourself for now. But if it happens again, you would tell him.

You were now in class with Armin and Sasha but you were half asleep and ended up falling asleep mid class. You felt something poking your cheek, you opened your eyes slightly and saw Sasha poking your cheek with a churro, her face all covered in cinnamon. "Sasha.. What are you doing?"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the cafeteria with me and Connie?" She poked your cheek again then ate the churro. You sat up and stretched. "Sure, right now?" She nods. You look next to you and see Armin isn't there. "Where's Armin."

"Mm." She hummed as she wiped the cinnamon off her face and hands. "They called him down for something, he told me to tell you that he'll see you later."

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