"Bro I fucking hate you Ciara, I swear to my lord and savior." Kari said.Everybody was chilling outside of Kai and Liza's house. Kari was current going back and forth with his girlfriend Ciara.
They were confused as to what they were going back and forth about, but they knew Ciara looked like she was a wreck. Big black bags under her eyes, tears streaming down her face slightly.
"Goddamn." Kai shook his head. "Aight Kari, chill out."
"Oh? That's how you feel Jakari? Stand on that." Ciara said, her voice cracking. "I don't know how many times I have to say that i'm sorry."
Jakari smacked his teeth and looked away from her.
"Right, I'm gone y'all have a good day." Ciara said.
Ciara walked off the porch, got into her car and drove off.
"You ain't have to say allat now." Solange shook her head. "What did she do?"
Kari smacked his teeth, "She had an abortion and didn't tell me."
Solange sighed and rolled her eyes. Was Ciara wrong not to tell him? Yes. But is she wrong for getting an abortion? Absolutely not. Solange was slightly disappointed at Jakari for what he said. The girl was probably going through a hard time as is and then for Jakari to say he hates her just may have pushed her off the edge. Solange didn't fault Ciara, they were only 17, graduation coming up. There was no time for a baby, and Solange felt that they were not ready for that, especially Jakari.
"Kari, she wrong for not telling you. But telling her that you hate her, especially in front of all of us is wrong as hell. I get that you're mad, but what she needs is a shoulder to cry on, not a turned back." Solange said.
Jakari looked at the ground with a scrunched up face. He knew he didn't hate Ciara, she may just be his first love. He was upset with her for not telling him, he didn't care that she had an abortion, he too felt that it was the right choice. It was just the principal, he didn't even know she was pregnant to begin with.
Ciara was currently beefed out with her ex-friend, and said ex-friend just so happened to tell the whole instagram Ciara's business. People kept sending the story to Jakari, resulting in him confronting Ciara and also threatening the ex-friend.
He knew Solange was right, he was just really upset. He really did hope that when he apologized, she would forgive him.
"Yeah, i'm gone." Jakari walked off the porch.
"Damn, this shit sad as hell." Kai shook his head.
Solange watched her brother walk to his car. She got up and followed, getting into the passenger seat.
"You okay Kari?" Solange looked at her little brother.
Jakari looked at her, tears streaming down his face. Solange frowned and reached over and pulled him into an embrace.
"It's gone be okay Jakari, y'all gone work it out." Solange said as she rubbed his back.
"Man, I told her I hated her. She probably doesn't even want to see my face ever again." Jakari pulled away from Solange.
"She probably doesn't. But she needs you right now, just try and do that." Solange said.
"I will."
"Oh my fucking God!" Solange gasped.
Her bed was adorned with all kinds of gifts and roses.
"Aww." Solange eyes watered.
She pulled out her phone and face-timed Rod. He answered the phone with a smile, she could see that he was in his car. "Wassup mama."
"You did all this for me?" Solange's voice cracked.
This was more than what he had got her for her birthday. Rod felt like spoiling Solange, to him he felt that she deserved everything and more. And he made sure to let her know that, from little gifts to words of endearment.
"You deserve it baby. I'll be there in a few, put on something nice, i'm taking you somewhere." Rod said.
Solange smiled, "Okay."
Rod got out of the car and went to the passenger side to open the door for Solange. They were at this fancy restaurant.
Rod wrapped his arm around Solange's waist and they walked up to the building. Getting inside they were hit with a wave of gold air.
"Cold as shit in here." Rod mumbled.
They walked up to the podium where a worker was standing.
"Hello how I may I assist you guys." The worker said.
"Uh, reservation for Evans." Rod said.
"Ah, yes follow me." The lady grabbed two menus and guided them to the dining area. "Alright table for two, here's your menus, your waiter will be with you soon."
The lady walked off. Rod pulled out Solange's chair for her to sit. Solange blushed, this man was such a gentleman to her.
"What you doing all this for?" Solange looked at her boyfriend.
"Just to show you how much I adore you. I'm head over hills for you Solange, I want you to know that. I wanna be with you forever, in death and all." Rod grabbed her hand and held it, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin.
Solange's eyes watered, "I wanna be with you forever too Rodney. Thank you so much, for everything. You're giving me what I dreamed of and more."
Rod reached his hand up to rub away a tear that fell from her eyes, "You don't have to thank me mama. I do this from the bottom and top of my heart because I love you and you deserve it."
Rod reached into his pocket and pulled out a little box. Solange gasped slightly. Rod pulled the ring out the box and slid it onto her ring finger.
"This is a promise ring, I promise to be there and love you through everything. And when you're ready for something more than this, i'll be on bended knee waiting for you." Rod said.
"I love you." Solange reached across the table to connect their lips in a longing kiss. Planting kisses all over his face.
"I love you more baby." Rod mumbled against her lips. His eyes full of adoration.
"Ouuu I gotta show this to my mawmaw."
Rod laughed, "She gone fall the fuck out."
The two enjoyed the rest of their night. Their faces holding smiles the whole night, they couldn't be more happy and content.