The Outsider

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Catherine pov

 We all gathered in the cemetery for Archie's funeral

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 We all gathered in the cemetery for Archie's funeral. It still didn't seem real that one of the nicest people in town was dead. Ever since Henry found out he's been very quiet. I stood next to him and held his hand

"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as Jiminy, but we all knew him as a true friend." Snow said "And though he may now be gone he will always live on inside of us, reminding us to be our best selves." "To do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in." "So we shouldn't think of today as goodbye, just as a way of saying, Archie we'll be listening." Marco approaches Archie's grave and places his umbrella by the tombstone.

 "I miss you so much my friend." Marco said "But at least you're in a better place" My phone buzzes I look and see it's a message from Papa to come to the shop. I walk over to Snow and David. 

"Hey papa wants me to come to his shop" I said "I'll come to your place in a little while"

"Okay" Snow said giving me a hug. I leave the cemetery and head to papa's shop. I open the door and Belle was already there.

"Hey papa what's so important that I had to come here?" I asked

"I just asked him the same thing" Belle said

" I did it." Papa said "I can leave." My eyes go wide

"Wait you mean you can cross the town line?" I asked

 "Indeed, I can." Papa said and he reaches for a potion "When I pour this potion onto the object I hold most dear, that object becomes a talisman, it allows me to cross the town line and still remember who I am."

"And who you're looking for." Belle said

"My boy." Papa said

"You're going to look for Bae?" I asked "My brother?"

"I am Catherine I'm going to find your brother and bring him home and we will be a family" Papa said causing me to smile

"What, um, what will you enchant?" Belle asked. Papa removes an item from a safe in the wall behind a photo

"This shawl... is all I have left of my Baelfire." Papa said

I don't suppose Cat and I could come with you?" Belle asked

 "No, I... I truly wish you both could." Papa said "But I only have enough of this potion for one object." He returns the shawl to the safe "Hey." "This is my journey, Belle." "This is my journey."
"I'm afraid that it's something I have to do alone." They embrace and I smile at them. They break apart and Papa looks at me

"Since you have to do this alone promise me you'll be careful" I said

"I promise" Papa said and we hug. I pull away from him and check the time

"Well I hate to do this but I have to get back...we buried Archie today and everyone is at the Charming's loft"

"Go" Papa said. I nod and kiss his cheek then give Belle a hug. I make my way back to the loft and see Emma go over to Henry

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