Quite A Common Fairy

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Catherine pov

Emma leads us holding the map as we all start making our way to Pan's camp. I didn't know though from what I've seen so far from Pan this seemed too easy. He had to be up to something I just didn't know what.

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair.' Emma said "Going in a straight line course..." She looks at the map and frowns "Son of a bitch!" "How is it now behind us?"

"How can that be?" Snow asked

 "You got us lost." Regina said and Killian looks at the map

"No, she didn't.:" Killian said "It's the camp." "Pan's moving it."

"He's playing us" I said

"If Pan's camp keeps moving how are we ever gonna find Henry?" Emma asked "So, this whole trek has been for nothing?"

" I told you walking was idiotic." Regina said "If I can just use some magic, we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry."

"Sis we don't know where the camp is!" I said

 "Pan will have shields against magic, I fear." Killian said "Such an attempt would end in your death, and more importantly, mine, which is why we're walking."

 "Well then, what's your idea?" Regina asked "How are we going to find it?"

"By using someone he trusts." Killian said

"Who?" David asked "Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you."

"A fairy who lived here when I was about." Killian said "She might still be on the island." "She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp, can get us in." "She might even have some pixie dust left." "Perhaps we could fly in."

"You mean fairy dust." Emma said

"No, pixie dust." David said "It's stronger." "Like nuclear fairy dust."

"Wait." Emma said "A fairy?" "Tinker Bell?"

"Do you know her?" I asked

"Every kid in the world knows her." Emma said

"That's a bad idea." Regina said "Mark my words." "This Tinker Bell is not going to save us." I frown at her before walking and catching up to Killian and David

"So you gonna tell her?" Killian asked

"Tell her what?" David asked

"I saw what happened to you, mate." Killian said "Let me see." Looking around, David lifts his shirt a little. Black veins spread all around the cut. I gasp and run up to them

"David!" I said "No"

 "The arrow only nicked me." David said

 "I'm sorry, mate." Killian said

"Do you know how long?" David asked

 "Days." Killian said "Weeks at most." "You won't see summer." "It's a really bad break."You might want to tell her."

" No." David said

"David you have to tell Snow" I said

"Maybe I don't." David said

"How's that?" Killian asked

"Pixie dust." David said "You believe in this Tinker Bell's power?" "In her pixie dust?"

"Indeed, I do." Killian said

"Then let's get her and that dust." David said. We catch up to the others and finally find Tinker Bell's place. David goes up to see if she's up there "No one's home." "Come on up." We all start climbing up the ladder"Where would it be?"

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