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Catherine pov

While I am happy that my father is alive, my heart ache's for Snow. Papa told me about how his life was saved...and Snow played a key part in it. I was over at the Charming's apartment Henry was playing with Bear while Emma, David, and I watch Snow

 I was over at the Charming's apartment Henry was playing with Bear while Emma, David, and I watch Snow

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"Anything?" I asked

"She won't eat a bite." David said

"What's wrong with her?" Henry asked

"Nothing." Emma said "She's just a little sick."

" You guys are lying to me, aren't you?" Henry asked

"No one's lying." Emma said

"You are, just like you did about my dad." Henry said

"Henry, I - He's right." Emma said "No more lying."

 "Emma.." David said

"Are we sure that's best?" I asked

"He deserves to know." Emma said "Here's the thing, Henry." "Cora's death... Mary Margaret was partially responsible for it, and that's why she's so upset."

"No." Henry said "No, no, she couldn't." Someone knocks on the door causing Bear to bark

"I got it" I said and I walk over to the door

"She was trying to protect us." Emma said

"But she's Snow White." Henry said "She wouldn't hurt anybody." I open the door and see Papa on the other side

"Papa" I said and that catches David's attention

 "Get out!" David said

"I think you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say - for her sake." Papa said pointing at Snow

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked

"Regina." Papa said "She's planning to strike back - against your mother."

"What is she gonna do to her?" Henry asked

 "Oh, she didn't say." Papa said

"No." David said "You don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that." "You're gonna figure this out." "And you're gonna help us."

"And why should I?" Papa asked

"Because aside from us being family now, Mary Margaret saved your life." David said "Now you owe her a debt." "And you always pay your debts, don't you?" "You're gonna help us stop Regina."

"You do owe them Papa" I said "You have to help" He looks at me and sighs 

"Fine" Papa said "You two come with me" He starts walking away and David and I follow him. We make our way to Regina's vault to see if there's any clue to what she's up to. We walk into Regina's mausoleum to discover the mess she has left in her wake. "Well, it appears we just missed our dear Queen."

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