t h i r t y n i n e

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It takes every fibre of my body not to punch Abbott in the face.

That git is lucky I’ve some self-control and is in bad standing with Professor McGonagall, who is under the impression that I’ve trouble controlling my anger.

If only she could see me now, walking away from the hospital wing without laying a finger on the scum who had the audacity to kiss my girl.

Granted, the image replaying in my mind does make my blood boil with anger. But I didn’t hit him.


Magnus Abbott. Of all people, I had to walk in on her kissing the only guy I know she at some point had feelings for.

I’ve been with several girls before her, but I’ve never been in love. I’m not sure how it works. Can you stop loving someone? Will the feelings always be there, even if you are in a relationship with someone else? How can I be sure that Ellie isn’t still in love with the two-faced idiot Abbott?

She could have had any other guy’s tongue down her throat, and I might have forgiven her in a heartbeat. But not him.

If only I could go back in time, so I could rub our relationship in Abbott's face. Claim her in front of him, whipping that smug smile off his face as he realised I wasn’t going to let him have her. It has taken a lot of willpower not to kiss her in the middle of the Great Hall.

I hate the fact that she’ll take his side in any argument because Magnus Abbott can do no wrong. He doesn’t get in trouble. His family aren't blood-crazy lunatics. There are no rumours going around that he’s fucked half the girls in his year. And Professor McGonagall isn’t following him around to make him apply for internships after graduation and make sure he has a plan.

Magnus Abbott is everything I’m not. Worst of all, he’s the only guy Ellie has ever loved.

I don't care that Ellie has snogged half the guys in our year. I care that she has let Abbott have such an impact on her.

He's manipulative, arrogant, and a bloody bane to my existence.

That son of a bitch wants to pretend he didn't know she's with me. Bloody liar. He knows, and he’s only doing it because he wants what he can’t have.

She’s my fucking girl.

Without thinking, I find myself heading towards the female bathrooms on the second floor, looking for the one person who can provide me with the escape I crave – Perley Robins.

I find him lurking in his usual spot, his eyes lighting up when he sees me approaching. "Sirius! What brings you here, mate?"

I don't waste any time with pleasantries. "You got anything?"

Perley grins, pulling a small pouch from his pocket. "Always."

Without another word, Perley rolls a joint with practised fingers, while his shaggy red hair falls messily across his forehead, framing his sharp features and piercing blue eyes. Despite his laid-back appearance, there's a calculating glint in his gaze.

Soon we're both leaning against one of the stall doors, passing the joint back and forth between us. Perley and I have a friendship forged by a habit of getting detention together and solidified by our shared appreciation for what Perley referred to as the finer things in life – namely, good weed and… well, women.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄 ☆ Sirius Black ✔️Where stories live. Discover now