Ch. 20: Problems, with Lunch

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At V tower, Vox growled in anger.

"FUCK! The plan keeps falling apart!" He shouted as his screen glitched.

The original plan of the Vees was to get close to Emily when she was vulnerable and make her trust them enough to bind her soul with a deal, making her their slave for whatever they had in mind. But ever since the princess and the king adopted her into their family, it was becoming more and more out of reach!

Vox was getting very irritated by the constant problems popping up. He sat in his chair and thought about it... that's when he had an idea. He smirked as he realized it, it was so simple this entire time... he just needs to find a time for her to be alone.

"Fine, you want to play games? I'll wait." Vox said, "And I'll make sure I know your every move before you do. From when you wake up to when you go to sleep."

He looked through the camera again, right as the King and the princess arrived at their destination.

"Hey, Charlie brought me to one of these places before." Emily said, seeing the neon sign.

"She brought you to a Bee's Big Buffet?" Lucifer asked.

"Yeah... I'm banned from the last one." Emily said with a smile.

"Oh. Okay....HOW exactly are you banned from one?" Lucifer asked sheepishly.

"Oh nothing special. I just finished the buffer a bit." Emily explained.

"And how much is a "bit?"" Lucifer asked while pinching his fingers. "Is it this big?"

"I... ate a chair." Emily said, ignoring the "bit."

"...I'm sorry, I must not have heard you right. Did you say "a chair" or an "eclair?"" Lucifer asked her.

"I said...a chair. I ATE a chair, it was mahogany." Emily said before glancing away. "Which is surprisingly delicious."

"... Okay, that's something I'll have to talk with someone about later." Lucifer said.

"Dad, it's not like I INTENDED to do it! It was an accident....mostly." Emily said before muttering the last word. "And in my defense-"

"NOPE. No, please no. I still need time to process that. Let's just go inside and eat." Lucifer said, walking to the restaurant doors. "And you're going to pace yourself, you little gluttonous girl."

"Ugh, fine dad!" Emily said with a groan, following him.

He made a mental note to call someone that could help Emily with that. He doesn't know what happens when a fallen angel eats a chair, and he really doesn't want this to be a common occurrence.

'Oh me, has she even gone to the bathroom yet?' He thought with a small look of horror on his face.

Some things that taste like Heaven going in, can feel like Hell going out.

'I'll really have to call her soon, she'll be better at helping Emily with this more than I am.' Lucifer thought.

There was only one demon in all the seven rings of hell that could help Emily reign in her appetite, or else he feared she would eat a person like a cannibal or eat an entire building and STILL be hungry for more!

But he could focus on that later. Lucifer needs to focus on right now. Especially about a certain sign at the front register.

"I'm sorry sir but she can't eat here." The sinner said, gesturing to Emily.

'That's to be expected.' Emily thought.

"You're going to deny her and by extension me?" Lucifer asked, "Need I remind you that I'm the king of hell?"

Lucifer pulled out a bag of gold.

"I can easily make this your lucky day." He said to the sinner.

"'s not that sir." the sinner said, hypnotized by the gold bar. "It's just....this woman ate out one of our other locations in the city."

"Again, I am the king. I can cover it. Plus, are you really going to turn away the SECOND princess of hell and my daughter?" Lucifer said, gesturing to Emily. "Besides, I'll keep an eye on her."

"Dad!" Emily shouted at him.

"We would also like a private dining room if you have one." Lucifer said, ignoring the pouting glare from Emily.

The lowly sinner knew better than to deny the king. Plus, the bar of solid gold was STILL in front of them.

"Come right in, sir." The sinner said, quickly taking the gold bar. "Please follow me to our best private dining room."

"Thank you." Lucifer said, "Come along, Emily."

"Fine but I can control myself on my own." Emily said to him. "I'm not going to eat another chair or any other furniture."

"I'm still going to watch you, just to make sure." Lucifer said.

Emily groaned at this as they walked through the buffet restaurant and to a private dining room.

Embarrassing as it was going to be, Emily had to admit this was a very nice experience eating in a private dining room. At least there, she won't get stared from her eating.

"Here you are, my king and princess. Would you like some drinks?" The sinner asked them, shaking them the private dining room.

"We'll be fine. This is a buffet, self service after all." Lucifer said.

The sinner bowed and walked away back to the register.

"Alright! Let's hit the buffet!" Emily said, rubbing her hands together.

"Carefully." Lucifer said.

"Dad, enough! I will be careful!" Emily replied, leaving to get something to eat.

Even so, he made sure to watch her while they were here.

'If she really is this gluttonous, then there really is only one person I can think that can help.' Lucifer thought.

Lucifer quickly summoned his phone and sent a text to his "sister" and let her know that her new niece needs help with controlling her appetite.

Thankfully, it was a fairly calm lunch... after Lucifer got Emily to stop trying to eat a spoon.

"Emily! No!" Lucifer said, snatching the spoon from her.

"Hey, dad I was using that!" Emily said, enjoying a bowl of jello.

Lucifer gave her a look, quirking a single eyebrow up in the air.

'Really?' His face said.

"...I was just going to taste it." Emily muttered, looking away.

"You have already eaten a mahogany chair. You do NOT need to eat a metal spoon. Or anything that is NOT food." Lucifer said, putting the spoon in the table.

'Was Charlie like this as a kid?' He thought, trying to remember, 'I remember her breathing fire and setting the furniture on fire, but not this.'

Even if Emily was as technically older or the same age as Charlie, she was basically a newborn fallen angel. And it seemed that came with its own unique problems, like Emily seemingly having indestructible teeth and an iron stomach that can handle anything Emily eats.

Very concerning and very frightening. Thankfully, the rest of lunch went off without a hook, and they were on their way to the next part of their day. Emily wasn't sure of what it was, but they picked up Charlie on the way, so it was going to be fun. They arrived at their next destination and Emily tilted her head.

"An art shop?" She asked.

"Yes, see, the old family portrait is a bit outdated, so we need to have a new one painted." Lucifer said.

Emily felt her heart flutter at that. She nodded.

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