Call me 💜

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Foggy winter nights remind me of you.

The mist that hovers in the air, leaving you damp and emotional.

In the darkness, I stood alone. The cold bit my frosty cheeks.

The fog left me wandering.

In the night I stay, waiting.

I'm cold, damp, scared, and lost in the middle of the night during winter, standing in the misty fog, lost for direction.

Where do we go from now?

Do we walk into the cold unknown, or do we stay, frozen damp in place?

I await your call, as you did mine.

Are you right beside me, or are you far away beside her.

Am I awaiting a miracle or a hope for a call.

Call me.


I wrote this poem to resonate with the people who are also missing someone they can't reach out to. Your only hope is that they reach out themselves. If you have a different meaning to the poem, I would love to read it if you comment what it is :)

My Night-time PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now