I could never judge anyone.
I didn't dare try.
You could have put a gun to my head and asked me to judge a person walking on the street.
I'd have said pull the trigger since that was what I wanted.I wanted an escape.
I wanted to get out of here.
I didn't see any purpose for the pain.Why remain here just to hurt and wallow in my pain and sorrow. What was my purpose here.
Ouch, another personal poem here. Another poem told from the perspective of when I was a young teen/tween/I was a child. I had social anxiety and was very Christian. No, I did not read the Bible or go to church every Sunday. I went after word of mouth and what society calls an "angel". I didn't want to disease others, and I did not want to discriminate in any way. I was also very, very, very unhappy and depressed because of personal family issues. The only way I saw to get away from the pain at the time was through death. Fortunately, I have the most loving and wonderful family now who helped me through the pain and became the person I am today, which is me, but without pretending to be someone else. I've since learned to judge people mostly by their character. With that saying what I mean is you can be the hottest shit in town with the ugliest most hideous soul, and I won't even notice your dolly face when all I see is a burning pile of... trash.
My Night-time Poetry
PoetryI sometimes write poems at night when I'm feeling too inspired to sleep, so this is my poem dump for when I can't sleep at 04:07 AM on a saturday. Please enjoy, and keep in mind this is just a side night hobby of mine, not perfect or professional in...