Chapter 7 (6 months later...)

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This chapter is WAY  longer than the other ones. I had a lot of fun writing this honestly. (And spoiler alert, there's 2 POV's in this chapter. I know, shocking 😱). Anyways, enjoy this chapter :3 :3


D.D.'s POV: Me and Luna have been very good friends these past 6 or so months. She's still kinda oblivious that I have a crush on her. So is Preston. Or at least, I hope he is... We got to know each other quite a lot, and my growing crush on her has only gotten stronger.

Today The Boss called me up for a mission. I was a bit confused... I thought we already lost... the creators were for sure too powerful by now... right...?

Boss: "Clone Danno... I need you to cover a mission for me."

D.D.: "Huh? What mission..? Didn't we already lose by now by the creators..?"

Boss: "Well... I don't think were done just yet..."

D.D. "Oh uh... okay... what is it then..?

Boss: "Well, Danno and his buddies are gonna take a hike in the forest this evening. And I was thinking you should snipe Danno when no one else is looking."

D.D.: "Wh- Why are you calling me then? I thought you and the other clones hated me. Maybe you should use another clo-"

Boss: "Because the other clones are busy taking over other peoples channels, now quit whining your ass off and get to work."

D.D.: "*sigh*, okay Boss..."

Boss: "Oh, and by the way, you should probably take someone with you for some assistance."

D.D.: (In mind: take someone else with me, huh...) "Oh, alright. See you soon."

I hang up my phone, wondering who I should take with me. But then, I had a brilliant idea: I'll take Luna with me, and while I'm waiting for the creators to show up for their hike, I will confess to her. I knew it wasn't exactly the greatest plan (especially if The Boss has a rule of having us, clones from having lovers), but, at that point I didn't give a shit. I've had a special connection with her for a long while now and no one's gonna take that away from me.

I called up Luna and told her about the mission and that The Boss told me I had to take someone with me. I told her that she'll have to "assist" me with the sniping plan. She was a bit weirded out and confused, but she agreed.

I picked her up from her place and I drove to the forest that The Boss was. He saw me with Luna and asked me who she was. I told him that she's just a really good friend of mine and that she will assist me. Luna waved at him and gave an awkward smile.

Boss: "Hold on, Is it that same girl that Preston told me he had suspicions that you had a thing with her a couple months back?" 

D.D.: (In mind: FUCK!!! no, no, no, no, NO!! This can't be happening!! Okay D.D. Calm down, just act neutral.) "Huh? No... we're just good friends, thats all."

Boss: "friends" huh? I doubt it-"

D.D.: "We're just friends, okay? End of story."

Boss: "Fine... but I'll keep my eye out on you... do I make myself clear..?"

D.D.: "Yes Boss..."

The Boss told me and Luna to hide behind between some large bushes in the corner of the forest. And then he gave me a gun to snipe the creators. But I didn't care about that. It was my chance to confess my true feelings to Luna...

The Boss led me and Luna to the bushes, and then told me to hide in there. The bushes were pretty hollow. I pretty sure The Boss carved that out for me. But that didn't matter. All I had to do now was the confession.

30 minutes passed by or so and there was still nothing. But I thought to myself now was the perfect time for the confession. Luna looked so cute and kinda hot being all happy and cheery around me. I mustered up courage and I finally confessed.

D.D. "H-hey, I got something I've been wanting to tell you, Luna..."

Luna: "Huh? What is it..?"

D.D.: "Well... I think you're really c-cute. I've been having a crush on you ever since I met you at the Hot Topic..."

Luna: *Blushing* "R-really..? Are you being serious right now..?"

D.D.: *Blushing while covering up his face* "Y-yes.. I hope you're not mad at me Luna..."

Luna: *Blushing even harder and giggling* "W-well, I've actually had a thing for you too... hehe..."

D.D.: *Breathing heavily and turning into a deep shade of red*

Luna: "D.D., are you alrig-"

In a moment of truth, I grabbed Luna and kissed her on the lips. She was blushing like crazy, and she was hella shocked. However, she quickly started kissing me back to. We got very passionate, to the point where it turned into a noisy make-out session. I forgot all about the mission, and just focused on the moment with her.


Danno's POV: Me, RoyalPear, Bam, Riggy and a few others started to walk down our hike. It was pretty normal until we heard moaning and grunting. We were very all very confused.

RaZar: "Hey, I think it's coming from that bush beside us."

We decided to look in there, and what we saw was very shocking; It was D.D. and a mint green rabbit girl making out. We all just stood there, trying to process what was going on. Then the little shit, Riggy, pulled out his phone and started recording the action. He seemed a bit TOO amused by it. We all looked at him like he was utterly insane. Boy how mad Rosey would be if she found that on his phone. But that wasn't my problem.

Luna x D.D. Fanfic!!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now