Chapter 10

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TW/CW: This chapter contains torture and violence. If you're uncomfortable with that, please skip this. Anyways, enjoy :3


Luna's POV: I decided to drive to a Taco Bell that afternoon. RoyalMelon was there for some reason. He seemed like he was waiting for me almost. Anyway, he gave me a burrito that Melon bought.

"Here you go!" He said eagerly. 

It looked a bit strange. It looked like it was unwrapped but then rewrapped again. But didn't care. I started to eat it. It was even better than usual. I scarfed it down with ease. Right after that, I started to feel a bit sick and dizzy. Next thing you know, I passed out, unconscious.

I eventually woke up. I was tied up tightly in a steel, heavy chair, and I was in an empty metal room. I was very scared. This CAN'T BE happening to me now! It's too soon! I looked around the room, and there was a large window. It was D.D., crying, with tears rolling down his face. Preston was next to him, but he didn't look as concerned.


That's when I heard a voice.

???: "Well, well, well, it looks like you have found yourself are in the extermination room. This is a room meant specifically for eliminating various things such as failed clones, returning intruders, and in your case, a clones lover."

Luna: "W-Why the hell are you doing this to me..!?! WHY ME!?!

???: *starts entering the room*  "Because you see, my friend, we strictly prohibit ANY clone from having a lover." That includes your boyfriend, Clone Danno."

The person who was speaking to me was none other then The Boss himself. He continued on with his speech.

Boss: "Because, it will get in the way of their job. That being to take over. To kill. If they violate that rule, the clone will be forced to watch their lover get eliminated. So in this case, we're making Clone Danno watch you see the last time you'll ever see the light of day.

D.D. *sobbing profusely* "Please, stop this, stop, STOP!!"

Preston: "Bitch grow up. You'll get over it, just like you did when you broke up with James before you met that mint green rat you call your "girlfriend."

I started to tear up myself. I closed my eyes, with tears rolling down my face, ready for whatever torture they'll put me through.

Boss: "Well then, begin facility, for the pain and suffering this creature will go through"

I was trying to untie myself with my tail, but it was no use. I couldn't see behind me, nor couldn't I turn around. 

Things started out simple, with an anvil about to be dropped at me. Then that was when I realized, I am not willing to accept fate today. So I made the steel chair fall to the side. It was very difficult, but I managed to dodge the anvil. It landed on the heart tip of my tail though, so it hurt very badly. 


DunBun: "That's because your cheap ass couldn't afford a heavier steel chair lol"

Boss: *while being very annoyed and pissed* "SHUT THE FUCK UP, TWINK!!"

They tried other methods too. I dodged a lot of them, but they were slowly but surely destroying my body.

Eventually, D.D. has had enough, so he broke the glass window to try to get me out. Then the other clones tried  to settle him down.

Boss: "Keep D.D. still, clones, keep destroying, facility!!"

I was very beaten up. I didn't have enough energy to try to dodge even more torture methods. Eventually, D.D. managed to get away from the other clones and he untied me, and carried me.

Boss: "Clone Danno, your actions have left me no choice but to have to shoot Luna. So you might as well say goodbye to her now."

The Boss pulled out his gun, then D.D. gave me one last kiss. 

(Or at least, I thought it was)

He aimed for my head carefully, then he pulled the trigger.

I dropped down.

The Boss and the other clones left D.D. just like that.

Luna x D.D. Fanfic!!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now