Chapter 8 (6 months later... PART 2)

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CW: There's uhh... a lot more swearing in this than the other chapters. There's also some sus implications in this as well. Anyways, enjoy :3


Danno's POV: We we're all just staring at this... random couple eating up each others faces... I had so many questions... who is this rabbit girl, how did my CLONE of all things find a girlfriend, and most importantly, how did he even meet her..? Anyway... I saw Riggy start to get a bit..."excited" from the action he was recording. I can always tell when he gets "excited" because when he does, his tail shoots straight up and starts wagging it in a rhythm where it's not totally fast, but it's still kinda fast. After realizing THAT, I quickly snatched him, and me and my buddies just walked away, awkwardly still trying to figure out what just happened (while Riggy was still smiling and grinning from the whole thing)...


D.D.'s POV: After our little fun we had, me and Luna decided to cuddle for a bit to. I didn't care if I fucked my mission, I had Luna with me. And that was all that mattered. I wiped off all the slobber from the make-out and we decided to go home. But as soon as I returned to the entryway to the forest, The Boss grabbed my arm and stopped me. He was practically growling at me. I knew this couldn't be good...

Boss: "What in the actual FUCK, CLONE DANNO!?! HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LET THEM GET AWAY LIKE THAT!?! I thought I can finally trust you for once... You are the most USELESS clone I've ever met..."

D.D.: "I... uhh... missed the shot-"

Boss: "DON'T FUCKING LIE TO MY FACE. I didn't even hear a single gunshot from you... maybe Preston was right... I think it's that "Luna" girl that's causing it... I am seriously starting to doubt that you and her are actually "friends".

D.D.: "I-I keep on telling you, w-were just f-friends B-Boss-"

Boss: "Just get the hell out of here. We never even needed your useless ass anyway..."

D.D.: "*sigh*..."

I went to my car with Luna (who is now my girlfriend) and we chatted for a bit. I had some... interesting plans with her tonight, but after what happened with The Boss just now, I decided against it. It was a very awkward and silent drive to say the least. I dropped her off, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and told her goodbye. I went back to my house, and went to my room to get on my computer. 

Preston broke into my room, who was FURIOUS. I got very nervous and kinda scared.

Preston: "What. In. The. Actual. FUCK D.D.!?!" His voice was glitchier than usual. That's how you know that he was extra pissed.

D.D.: *shaking* "W-what h-happened P-Preston-"


D.D.: "W-what are you talking ab-bout-"

Then Preston decided to show me a video of me and my girlfriend making out. I was in utter and complete shock. I glanced at the account that posted it, and it was non other than Riggy himself. The brain-dead dipshit apparently decided that it was a WONDERFUL idea to record us, making out, in the bush. I was not surprised Riggy would do this but I was still hella scared. Great. Now ALL the clones and creators are gonna know. FUCK!!

Preston: "I knew from the very start you had something with her. Why can't you ever listen... Jesus..."

Then he stormed out of my room. I was frozen in shock. Why would Riggy do this?? That was non of his damn business. Well, I must find a way to get revenge...

Luna x D.D. Fanfic!!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now