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I've been staring at the TV for an hour now, not watching it. Just zoning out.

Han is showering right now. This could be my chance to search for clues.

"That's so weird— god no.." I put my head in my hands, running my hands through my damp hair.

I look up at his cracked door, seeing the tiniest bit of his room gave me the courage to walk in there quietly. I look around.

"Why the hell does he have my jacket?" I grumble and take it off his rack. I open his closet, looking down to see a chest with a heart lock.

I squat down and run my fingers over the numbers until a certain number pops into my head. "He's not that dumb is he?" Oh how wrong I was. The lock clicks, opening easily.

I crack it and see lots of paper, I go to open it wider when I hear a knock. I click the lock shut and shove it deep into the closet.

"What are you doing in here?" Jisung asks.

"I can't look in my roommate's room? What if I was doing your laundry?" I stand up and shut the closet.

"I thought you "respected privacy?" You never let me in your room." He folds his arms and starts to pout.

I shoot him a "shut up" look and walk out of his room. "By the way, ask before taking my jacket. I've been looking for this one."

Han mumbles and shuts his door.






I sit back down on the couch, back to lying in front of the TV. I look over back to Hans room. He's been in there forever now.

"Han!" I yell.

After a while, I hear a mumbled response.

"Come watch TV with me!"

His door opens and he rubs his eyes. "You don't want me to rest?" He complains.

"You can rest with me, now sit down there's a new horror movie out."

Han immediately wakes up and grabs the blanket. "You should've said that."

I roll my eyes, leaning back into the couch as the movie starts.



30 minutes into the movie, Han is asleep. I place my hand on his forehead. He's not sick, so why is he so tired?

I pick him up and place him in his bed. 'Maybe it's the hangover.' I crack his door shut and shuffle back to the TV, picking up trash and snacks left over. I get a notification on my phone, it's from Hyunjin.

I put on some slides and a coat and rush out the door, running down the stairs and to hyunjins car. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I shout.

Hyunjin shushes me, "Calm down, I was kidding nothing is wrong." I scoff and turn around. "But I do want to hang out, everyone else is to focused on.. know?"

I roll my eyes. "It's almost 5 pm? After 5 I stay home. I don't go out unless I'm eating or drinking."

Hyunjin puts his hands on his hips, "old people shit, come hang out."

"Why don't you go hang out with girls? I know plenty of girls would beg to be in your presence alone." I facepalm, "Plus, something's up with Jisung. I need to watch him."

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