3. Unfortunate findings

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The next morning, Nyx barely had time to open her eyes before she was forcibly dragged out of her cell. Literally dragged. Her legs could scarcely bear her weight due to the excruciating pain inflicted upon her back. The Alpha had been merciless, ensuring his punishment left an indelible mark on her. Despite this, she remained resolute, revealing nothing. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Nyx didn't fully register the walk to the open spot where they would meet 'the big boss.' Her thoughts were a blur, pain clouding her mind. Before she knew it, she was forced to kneel in front of dozens of werewolves, arranged in a half-circle around her. Apart from the three men and the Alpha, there was another male she didn't recognize standing directly in front of her a couple of feet away. He was tall, taller than the other Alpha, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that exuded dominance and charisma.

Was he the 'big boss' they had been talking about? Nyx wondered.

The unfamiliar male surveyed her from a distance. As he did, Nyx was struck by another wave of pain, which she tried to not express with all her willpower. Her lips thinned.

Nyx knew her end was near and she had made peace with her fate. It might not be the most honorable death, but her refusal to betray any secrets was honorable enough for her. As she awaited her fate, Nyx thought of Lewis and the Major. Would they care about her death, or would they be disappointed? She didn't know them well enough to predict their feelings, but she hoped they would miss her, hoped she had made enough of an impression to be remembered. Yet, she realized such hopes were selfish. Grief would only hinder them in their mission. It would be better for them to move on without looking back.

Nyx knew she would do the same if their roles were reversed, though a part of her recognized that as a lie. Both men were important to her, important enough that she would miss them deeply.

"Bring the witness!" the unknown man commanded.

A young boy emerged from the half-circle of werewolves and approached the man standing in front of Nyx. She recognized him as the child who had seen her the night before. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise.

The tall man placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder and spoke to him in a low, reassuring voice. "Don't be afraid. Take a good look at her. We need to be certain. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded eagerly, clearly wanting to impress the man beside him. He took a few cautious steps towards Nyx, who remained expressionless but watched intently. For a moment, the pain was forgotten.

As the boy scrutinized Nyx, the crowd fell silent. All held their breath until he slowly nodded and confirmed, "Yes, it's her. The Black Veil."

Then all hell broke loose.

The werewolves shouted all kinds of punishments, horrible treatments, and death penalties. Nyx remained unfazed. She had no remorse for what she had done or the consequences it had brought. Though she hadn't killed any wolves directly, she knew the ones they captured were as good as dead. In her mind, they deserved it.

She held her head high, ignoring the searing pain in her back, showing no fear.

As the unknown male ordered Nyx to be put in a holding cell, she noticed the deference the other Alpha and pack members showed him. It became clear to her that he was the Alpha HPS had been after.

Once again, she was grabbed by her arms and hauled back toward the bunker. She had to fight to suppress that cry of pain stuck in her throat as the sudden movement strained her injuries. But just as they were about to lock her away, the mighty Alpha shouted for them to halt. Silence fell once more.

Slowly, he approached her. He grabbed Nyx's jaw, turning her head and pushing aside the remnants of her uniform to expose the right side of her neck. There, a distinctive mark was visible, a mark the Alpha recognized well. He had the same mark on his upper chest, just below his neck.

He traced his finger over the markings, and a spark of electricity jolted through both of them. A heavy sigh escaped his lips.

When he remained silent for a while, another man stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong, Alpha Silas?"

Silas shook his head, his eyes never leaving Nyx's. "Take her to my house."

"But why, Alpha?"

"Because she is my mate."

A murmur of astonishment rippled through the crowd. Nyx's mind reeled from this revelation. Silas's declaration sent shockwaves through her already exhausted body, and for a moment, she felt the weight of her circumstances bear down on her anew. She went numb.

Silas's gaze softened as he looked at her, a mix of confusion, wonder, and an emotion she couldn't quite place in his eyes. Nyx, in turn, stared back at him, trying to process the significance of what he had just said. Mate. The word echoed in her mind, a concept both foreign and horrifying.

Without another word, Silas motioned for his men to lift her gently this time. The hands that had been so rough now handled her with a semblance of care. As they carried her away, Nyx's thoughts swirled. This twist of fate had changed everything. She was no longer just a prisoner, no longer just an enemy. She was his mate.

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