10. Picnic

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The following morning Nyx's mixed feelings completely disappeared. Last night had been a moment of weakness. The terrors of the nightmare made her forget who she really was, a member of the most notorious corps to be known within the HPS. She was feared by many, she was the Black Veil, and that she couldn't forget.

A feeling washed over her, something that come close to feeling homesick. Absentmindedly, Nyx searched for her uniform – well what was left of it. But she couldn't find it. Only her boots were still were she left them. Nyx cursed to herself.

With big strides she walked through the Alpha's house, she was on the warpath. Finally, she found Nora in the living room watching television while eating oatmeal. Nyx stood right in front of her, blocking her view. "Well good morning to you too, Nyx."

"Where's my uniform?"

Nora sat straight up, putting down her bowl. She cleared her throat before she admitted, "I threw it away."

"You what?!"

"It was damaged and you no longer need it here, so I saw no use in keeping it," Nora shrugged her shoulders.

Nyx's nostrils flared. "You, YOU, saw no use in keeping it?! What about me? Maybe I want to keep it."

"And do what with it, Nyx? Look we are trying to be accommodating, but walking around in that uniform, even if its just the pants, is not only the biggest insult and disrespect you can give, it's also the stupidest thing you can do right now. Do you think you will be liked by the pack if you still hold on to your ties to the HPS?... It's already bad enough you have that tattoo." Nora pointed at Nyx's arm.

"I am not here to be liked," Nyx spitted. "You people keep me prisoner here. Besides, it's the only thing I have that is tied to my home." Nora's eyes widened in surprise, not believing what she was hearing.

"That place, how much you all hate it, is still my home. I didn't know anything else for the past eleven years."

Nora sighed and shook her head. She had hoped Nyx wouldn't find out. She knew it was too early, but she was afraid Nyx would parade with her uniform in the city someday. But looking at Nyx she could see she was basically still dealing with a child. Nyx might look mature on the outside, however, Nora was sure her emotional intelligence might be lacking greatly. All that hatred inside of that girl was for sure blinding.

Nora also noticed her own mistake. It was indeed a tad bit insensitive not recognizing Nyx's attachment to the uniform besides her loyalty.

The Alpha's sister picked up her bowl again and took a bite. "It's already thrown away, there is nothing I can do for you anymore." It was harsh what Nora did, she knew that, but she wanted to slap the hatred out of that girl and therefore tried to erase any ties to HPS.

Nyx tried with all her power to not slap the bowl out Nora's hands. She clenched her hands into fists and after a deep breath she unclenched them.

She had to ask for a favor, keeping calm was therefore most important now. "Alright, well, can you at least grant me with a notebook and a couple of pens," She gritted out.

"What do you need a notebook for?" Nora asked curiously.

"If I can't spue my thoughts out loud here, I want to at least write them down."

Maybe Nyx was more emotional intelligent, Nora thought. Finding it mature of Nyx to write down her feelings.

Only the notebook wasn't for Nyx's feelings. It was purely for her intel. After she got a notebook she closed herself of in her room and wrote everything she knew so far, which wasn't much, but it was a start.

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