Chapter 5

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The next day i opend my eyes and saw him looking out the window "Morning" I said while yawning "Morning mira" he smiled, His smile seem happier now, i stuud up " I bought a dress for you" he said all of the sudden "Huh?" He grabs a dress and gives it to me, was a nice light pink color dress with roses on it  "Go on, put it on i want to see how it looks on you" he said to me, i smiled and runned to the bathroom to try on the dress. When i had the dress on i walked out the bathroom To Shiki, He looked at me and Smiled gently "Wow..I knew it would fit good with your Shiny brown hair and Deep Brown Eyes.." I smiled to him And said "Thank you very much Shiki!" "No problem You look wonderful..May i brush and do your hair?" He asked me "huh? Sure" i sat down, he brushed my hair i could see his smile through the mirror, he's so gentel.. "I have been asked to go to an party, My parents are coming too.." He said with and emotionless face "So..i..wanted to ask.." i held his hand and smiled to him "I'll Come too if you wanted to ask that" I said with an smile "Ah..yes Thanks" He smiled and went further with brushing my hair. There may be alot of Vampire's there but if i'm near Shiki i might survive.."It's done" he said, i looked to the mirror "Woooww...Thanks!" I said with a big smile, it looked so wonderful, He did a red flower in my hair and made my hair more wavey, it fitted the dress very good "You look wonderful my princess" He kissed my head all of the sudden, i could feel that i started to blush "Ah! I-i'm Sorry I-i did it on my own.." "I-it's fine.." i said as he putted down the brush and walked out the room, That was so sudden.

All of the sudden i felt a heavy feeling in my head and everything went white infront of my eyes, this happend before didn't it? all of the sudden i saw Aki's face again "You cheater" He said i shaked my head "I'm not a cheater becouse i was never yours!" I screamed, Everything went normal infront of my eyes again, i stuud up and walked out of the room fast.

1 hours later, Shiki started to scream "We Must go now!" "Okey" I walked downstairs as he held out his arm "You might blow away" he said with a little laugh "Haha thanks" I help his arm as we both walked out of the house, At the party to woman walked to us "Shiki welcome back sire!~" A woman said with a smile, She was beautiful, But they all are aren't they? "We missed you!" The other woman said, He looked at them with a smile "Ah Hey Romana and maria" "Who is this girl" Romana said while glaring at me, i looked at them "She is a good friend of mine" Shiki said while Still smileing "Hmph..She's Pretty." Maria said while looking jealous at me "My name is Romana Romero" "My Name is Mira Sakura" i replied, All of the sudden maria went close to me and sniffed "Shiki is she human?!" After she said that he went infront of me "yes she is" "So you are feeding on her for yourself? She is like food?" When Romana said that Shiki looked angry "No! I never bited her nor even tasted her! I already told you she is a good friend of mine!" "Just wait you might lose control someday" maria said while they both walked Giggeling away" Shiki sighed and looked at me "Im sorry.." "I'ts fine" i said to him.

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