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"So Eda, about Lilith..." y/n started. It was late at night. King was sleeping on the couch, Luz was upstairs probably playing with her phone and Eda was playing something called 'hexes hold'em' with Owlbert.

"What about her?"- Eda was more concentrated in her cards.

The human smiled playing with her hair.-"Well she's so so so pretty and really interest-"- she was interrupted.

"What are you saying? She could be your mother, you know that, right? I bet your mom is even younger."- Eda said still playing.

"Iagh no, don't say that!"- she remembered her mother for a second, maybe she was worried... Or not anyway y/n was going to leave the city and her mom didn't call often and Lilith wasn't older than her. Y/n was actually more worried about Camila, her aunt was going to kill her. She was conscient about that every minute.

"I'm not lying human and this little crush of yours or whatever is just really weird."- Eda was winning the game in every way.

"Oh please, I can't be the only one who appreciates her top shelf beauty."-she smiled at the thought of Lilith.

"Gross."- Eda had a disgusted face.

"Stop it! Actually I heard she was talking about... That emperor and like... Take you to see him?"- y/n tried to say it on a nice way.

"Ha!"- Eda laughed.- "not even all of her power could be enough to do that."


"Of course y/n. They don't call me the most powerful witch in the boiling isles for nothing."- Eda was so confident on herself, y/n wished to be like that someday.

"No doubt."- she felt relieved, of course Eda was more powerful, Lilith's magic must be limited because of her coven.

"This is terrible. I'm out of elixir."- that was the first thing y/n heard after going downstairs one morning, some days after her talk with Eda.

"Uh, last time this happened, you turned into this thing."- Luz held up her phone, a picture of the owl beast on screen.

"I still have nightmares with that."- y/n said.

"I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce."-  that was Eda of course.

"Eda!"- Luz complained

"You're right, you're right. We need to head to the market."

"Market!"- Luz started to leave.

"I'm stealing everything that's not nailed down!"- King followed her.

"Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of hexes hold'em?Hey, where are my cards?"

Luz handed the deck to Owlbert.-"Take these and fly ahead. She'll have to follow us."

"Owlbert, you sore loser, gimme back my cards!"- and she ran behind the owl, she had been really obsessed with that game for days.

"Hey, open up, Morton! Morton!"

"Uh, just a minute!"

King left Eda's side to sit next to Luz on a bench.-"Is there anything better than people watching in the demon realm?"

"Maybe not having to see people in the demon realm at all."- for y/n some of those monsters were simply horrible, she couldn't stand even thinking about them. But she forgot everything at the sight of the most beautiful face in the whole world. Lilith was flawlessly walking at the distance, y/n ran to her when Luz got distracted by some girls.

"Lilith!"- she smiled.- "what are you doing here?"

"Ugh, it's you."- Lilith looked at her with her usual poker face.-"human."

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