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Y/n was explaining Owlbert what kind of human stuff would be the most impressive for the people of the demon realm and where he could get it from when Luz came in and started to jump in front of them.

"Guess who's going to hexside tomorrow y/n!"

"No way! Aren't you like a wanted criminal in there?"- y/n's eyes widened.

"Gus used his popularity and charms to change that."- Luz smirked.

"Popularity? Gus?....Well I'm happy for you, you wanted this for weeks. What did Eda say?"- y/n asked.

"Well you know how much she hates school, she wasn't very excited about it."- Luz replied.

"Oh don't worry, she'll understand soon how important it is for you."

"Thanks y/n".- Luz smiled.


At the next morning Luz was ready to leave.-" bye guys"- she said heading to the door.

"Bye Luz, have fun at school."- y/n ran to kiss her forehead before she left.

"The only good thing about being an adult is not going to school, right Eda?"- y/n smiled sitting beside her in the couch.

"Sure..."- Eda looked at the door in silence for a few seconds.-"okay, I'm going to hexside now."

"Oh please, don't you hate that place?"- y/n looked at her in disbelief.

"I had a long talk with Hooty and realized I gotta get that girl into school."- Eda explained as she stood up and walked through the door.

"Hooty? Well whatever, it'll be good for Luz to make more friends, she wasn't very social at the human realm. I appreciate it."- y/n told Eda.

"No need to thank me, y/n. Just don't get into trouble while I'm out."- Eda smiled.

"I'm the least likely person to get into trouble here. Should I go to the market and sell some human trash? Where's King? We could go together."

"He's at the playground trying to turn kids into slaves or something. Stay here for today, if you go alone those beasts will steal you and eat you alive."- Eda left and slammed the door behind her.

"I wouldn't allow them! I'm not a child!"- y/n screamed to no one.

Y/n kept talking to Owlbert about how to improve the human collectibles stand until Eda called for him. In that unknown world the human objects made her feel better, she knew how it worked and scamming people was surprisingly entertaining.

"Hoot-hoot! Guess who found a special friend in the forest."- Hooty interrumped her thoughts, bringing in Lilith wrapped up in his body.-"It was me. Hoot!"

"Oh, good."- y/n smiled walking to him.-"thanks Hooty, you should keep looking for more of these."-she said as she closed the door.

"Hi Lilith, are you okay?"- she walked back to the couch.

"What do you mean by 'more of these'?"- Lilith asked with an angry expression.

"Sorry."- y/n smiled.-" I just wanted him to leave us alone."

"Don't tell me you are alone in here! Where's Edalyn?"- Lilith sat beside y/n sighing, she just missed another chance to capture Eda.

"Eda had lots of things to do, she'll probably spend the whole day out. So it's just you and me."- y/n slide closer to her.

"What kind of things? Collecting trash?"- Lilith smirked.

Y/n ignored her comment-"How did you got your body back? The last time I saw you, you were a dog."' y/n was trying to keep a straight face but she ended up smiling.

"That was your fault!"- Lilith frowned not having the same fun.

"Literally how? I wasn't even part of the body swap game. Even your guards were! And those scary women and the kids..."- she laughed at the memory of Lilith barking.-" it's not important anyway, I'm glad you have your body back, I like you more this way."

"You what?"- Lilith was always surprised at that human's audacity.

"I guess you're here trying to take Eda to your emperor, right?"- y/n changed the subject.

"Of course, that's my mission. Edalyn must come with me to make part of the emperor's coven and for her criminal activity to be forgiven."- Lilith explained.

"I see, how did you get to be the coven's leader? It doesn't sounds easy at all."- y/n started her questions to entertain Lilith and make her stay a little longer.

"It's not easy at all. I had to sacrifice a lot of things when I was young."

"Younger?"- y/n interrupted, Lilith surprisingly laughed at her comment and her expression became softer.

"As I was saying."-she continued and y/n smiled focusing on Lilith's pretty eyes.-"I've always wanted to join the coven, I had to learn a lot and... I did some things I am not proud of but I want to fix my mistakes starting for helping Edalyn to join the coven too."- Lilith explained.

"What if she doesn't want to? Why are covens so important?"- Eda would definitely hate Lilith's plans.

"Well y/n, that's the titan's willingness, for every witch to be part of a coven and my duty is help to make it happen."- Lilith was totally convinced she was just doing the right thing.

"I understand."- she didn't, that just sounded like that emperor was the leader of some type of religion or sect.

"Could you help me to convince Edalyn? She does not hear me but you live here with her, she will listen to you."- Lilith put her hand on y/n's thigh.

"Oh beautiful Lilith, if you ask me to jump off the roof I will do it immediately."-y/n started to play with a strand of Lilith's hair.-"but that wish of yours goes beyond my limits. This coven thing is between you and Eda, there's nothing I can do to help you."

"But why? I just explained you how important it's for her... For me."- Lilith expected a positive answer.

"First of all, be honest with yourself you're Eda's sister you must know how much stubborn she is."-Lilith couldn't contradict that.-" and second, she wouldn't be happy with that. I enjoy your presence a lot Lilith, I like to hear you, I like your eyes and your hair, I love how intelligent you are and I admire your success. But I live in Eda's house and even though I'm not used to the demon realm and probably never will, I like to be here with her. Helping you will be like stab her in the back."

Lilith nodded.-"okay y/n, I understand. I'll keep using my methods then. But thank you."

"For what?"- y/n was lost, there was no irony on Lilith's voice even though she just denied her request.

"For all the things you said about me."- Lilith wasn't used to people acknowledging her qualities at all.

"Oh that was just me being honest."- y/n was really confused right now and her heart was fluttering too much for her likeness.

And Lilith wasn't as bad as she thought, she had a sensitive side, deep inside she was just a lost little girl, not used to compliments or attention, y/n's ego was telling her she could heal that, her mind started to make a plan.

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