Chapter 28: 57th Recon Mission Pt. 4

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(3rd pov)

Levi drew one of his swords as he prepared to slice the Female Titan into ribbons. Erwin noticed this and held his hand in front of the captain.

Erwin: Not quite yet, Levi. We need more insurance before we can carve out whoever is inside. SECOND AND THIRD WAVES, FIRE!!!

Back with the recruits, they could hear the explosions from deep within the forest, further confusing them. Add to that the sound of Titans scratching at the trees and you had a recipe for confusion of the highest degree. Not one person knew what was going on and that gave rise to a lot of doubt and concern. Krista looked down from her branch and saw a Titan attempting to climb up the tree to her.

Krista: They uh, they figured out how to climb.

The scout directly across from Krista, a woman named Nanaba, was the first to respond.

Nanaba: I can see that. If push comes to shove, we can always move higher up. I doubt we'll be here much longer though. I suspect the order to withdraw will come our way any minute now.

Krista: What makes you say that? Do those explosions have anything to do with it? I hope everything is alright in there.

Nanaba: Me too.

Krista wasn't the only one who heard the explosions. Every other treebound group could hear them too.

Sasha: Mikasa, do you think that's cannon fire or what? I mean, nothing else makes that kind of racket.

Mikasa: I couldn't say. If we were close to the walls I'd be inclined to believe that it is indeed cannon fire but since we aren't, I have no idea what it could be.

Reiner(in mind): If that's the case, why didn't we see them bring cannons in?

Ymir: What the hell is with all the noise? Seriously, it's getting on my nerves. Hey Bertholdt, you didn't happen to see what tree Krista scuttled up, did you?

Bertholdt: Sorry, I have no idea.

Conny: Nothing makes sense anymore. (in mind) What are we even doing here? I just wanna go home.

Back with Armin's group, a new development was taking place. A Titan had somehow managed to climb the trees by using all four limbs to spread outward, thus granting itself a potential opportunity to grab a snack.

Jean: What do you say we get out of the way?

Armin: Right.

They flew to another set of branches. Now that they were out of harm's way for the time being, the duo decided to watch and see what the treebound Titan would do next.

Jean: At this rate, the ugly bastard will try his hand at building a treehouse.

Armin: The alarming thing here is that it shows they're capable of learning.

Eren: That's not a pleasant thought. What are the odds they can all develop like this?

Armin: I'd say it's highly likely, but what I'm concerned about is the rate at which they can do this. Some could be faster than others.

Jean: Hey Armin, they want us to keep these Titans out of the forest, right? I think I just figured out why. We're here to lure that Female Titan into a trap. What else could it be?

Eren: Now that you mention it, that does make sense. If there is a person controlling it, then it makes sense that Commander Erwin would want to capture them ASAP.

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